Do you remember that Moment when everything fell into place so quickly that it took your breath away…focus on your breath, reconnect to the alignment of the feeling and continue breathing love into your life blood. It will feel unfamiliar and fears may arise as you are adjusting to unfamiliar energies moving through you because you are creating something New. Focus. Your Heartbeat and Your Breath Will keep creating a new dance with life. One we have not experienced as we are exploring New Realms. You know you are in the Groove when the dance takes your breath away! Enjoy the feeling as it runs through you, Die to the passing experience and Breath into the New. Your mind will show up with huge fear because it doesn’t have a reference point. Breath, Trust, Bless, Love and Live.
I AM the eye of the storm. As I withdraw from the Story my energy vortex creates stronger winds of change around me. As I detach and become the observer of the reruns, old fears show up. However, now they are like a movie, a setup, staged event. I speak to myself “This is not real” and the storm keeps spinning until each of the stories are sucked in fully through my “Eye” to be transmuted and released to the Records as the “Greatest Story Ever Told”. It’s all an adventure, Relax into it, we know who we are now. Now a New Exciting Adventure begins.
When you are ready, you will move past the “I Believe”. “Surrender” into the River of “Flow”, passing through the Cavern of “Knowingness”(Field of all Possibilities/ Tree of Knowledge). It’s time to release ourselves from beliefs of the old story. There are so many exciting places yet to explore through the “Knowingness” This is where we have Clarity! “”We Choose with Intention. We See how Unity “Flows” through the multitude of “Branches of Life” as extentions of the “I Know”. These are exciting times.
A big huge Murder of Crows did a beautiful flow pattern accross the Sky as I am writing this. Our Friend Britches dropped down by my window and peered in, seemingly to say “We are supported through this truth” Higher Sight. Crow has been Strong Medicine with me since I changed locations in 2020. I honour Crow.
You! Yes YOU hold the key to eternal Youth! Make peace with who you are and unlock your potential!
Oh we hear strange things of people using stem cells from babies & children or drinking the blood of children or other such crazy ideas for how people stay young. Stop for just a moment and see into yourself. What is the one thing you are doing in this life for your inner child and You. You are taking the time to hear your sweet child, bringing them to the part of you that has needed healing and all of a sudden you feel the effervessence of Youth, you find your joy again. all the love you felt you never got, your are receiving as your inner child is healing and evolving. Here it is, you have drank the life blood from your inner child, you have had a infusion of stem cells into your being, you have given love to a child that you had sacrificed to outside influences, their cells of life have expanded inside of you as you receive. All along it is YOU! Your inner Child is handing you your Truth & Youth as she/he feels the burst of life flowing from one to the other. Stop looking for the stories outside of yourself. You only see what others are telling you! Look inside, introduce yourself to your child and get reaquainted. There is only Love, Joy and eternal life Here. (No Children were hurt during this experiment. Your choice. If you choose to ignore your inner child and not give them love, well understand that is killing your own joy, your own life. Get it?)
Did it get your attention? How do you feel? What were the sensations you went through? Did you support yourself through it? Do you forgive yourself? Do you feel the healing? These are the questions I ask myself, for this journey is about my experiences, healing & growth and I will create whatever senario I need to see myself through. My light has moved in the darkest of corners lighting my way to know me to heal old hurts & wounds and to create anew. May your new creations be Joyous and Sparkley.
We See, hear, feel and sense all in our surroundings by what we believe. I love the openness of exploring beyond and releasing the hold of beliefs that I have been taught (we have been taught since birth), releasing their hold on my perception so I may see and sense the world around me through newness. Opinions can put us on different sides or they can open us to exploration in a new way. I Choose Exploration. Exploration is an amazing exercise (stretch of the thought of mind) and exorcise (release of things holding us back) for creation and Expansion. Everyday find something new to change your mind of stale thoughts and beliefs set in an old dying world. Keep Stretching!
Be aware that we are not coming together by believing the exact same thing, we are coming together through acceptance, surrender, Love of Self as we release the attachments to Fear. We resonate with others and join together to share, to learn together, to stretch and to grow, always expanding beyond where we have already travelled. We have finished walking through the darkness feeling our way along. We now walk in awareness. At some point we question why we feel alone and our friends & family members, that do not resonate with our changing frequency begin avoiding spending time together. We may find ourselves judging through old frequency thought that there is something wrong, they can’t hear me, this is “THE TRUTH” etc. Why can’t they hear me & believe me? Think on this: You are walking in your truth and they are walking in theirs. Sense how it resonates with you. I see you! I love you! I am YOU!.
We are all groups, each one of us having our own unique frequency of experience. From/Of source. When people leave your group they have just chosen a new frequency to explore. We are beaming our vibration/frequency and as things resolve more and more others will show up in our circle as new stories unfold. Also, Some of us came to walk alone. However when we come to the harmonic vibration of knowing, (acceptance of a grander picture) We will all see! All of the higher frequencies are pushing us into the flow where we will join together at the pole. All the different colors, sounds, frequencies, vibrations of all the fractals of source. At the pinnacle we experience the balance of everything(a Wow moment) bringing all of the frequencies together, yet maintaining their uniqueness. The joining will feel like a flash as all the frequencies unite and light up New Worlds of Everything all at once. A whole new world of awareness expanding our creative vision beyond any of the present Fields. You don’t have to understand or agree with anyone. When We Walk in Love & acceptance with compassion, all the colours & sounds will come together singing beautiful harmonies, as we begin to experience the New!
Blessings** I am ¬¬You are **WE ARE the light.( Full Spectrum Baby)
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