The Moment

Did you feel it? The moment that it clicked. That a feeling was fully realized. Each time I feel like the labour pains of life are easy up, there is another one around the corner, and yet all I have to do is look it in the eye and say Thank You! When that happens( after some painful learning experiences), that moment, the click, the full realization that makes your body quiver. Yes that! In that realization all that passed before the Click no longer exists, for the frequency has shifted. You are made new in each of these moments. That is why there is so much about the practicing of Meditation and being in the Moment, because in the stillness, in that breath the whole world is created. The final Push! I can do it! You can do it! We as co-creaters can do it. Wait until the experiences with this brand new life in its’ infancy. I just got shivers, Wow. Love this Journey!