You Can Change Your Stars

At the end of the day when we review to see how we did, know that this process is not for you to judge yourself rather to learn from for your next day!  So receive the messages and say thank you … have a great night sleep so you are rejuvenated and ready to LIVE when you awaken.  Choose how you wake up the next morning. How you love yourself before Going to sleep will affect how you heal and are rejuvenated for the next morning.   If you are judging yourself or Loving yourself (loving yourself is learning from and in gratitude releasing tension from your physical being)for events that happened or didn’t happen or whatever, that is what you are programming into your brain.  This then puts out pulses of energy to be integrated and either relax  (for full healing) or bring anxiety(for poor sleep) This happens whether we are aware or not, leaving us with a choice as to how we treat ourselves when we review each day.  This is what you are telling your subconscious to review with you all night long.  In Gratitude (the growth and learning happens)  In Judgement (Growth and learning happens. The difference is in the resistance through Judgement of self. It slows down the process so you may experience things more intensely).  Again  it is Choice and free will,  that activate the method we chose for experiencing our world.  Live Life Fully How You wish…Conciously or Subconciously You will activate your Experience. Yes! You can change your Stars!