
Every time I share my soul snip-its I pass through a portal of understanding, just as you have each time you see yourself through to a new understanding. In the moment I share with you, I release the snip-it that no longer serves my soul as it is in my past as I move through the portal. If this resonates with you, you now see with new eyes the art of letting go. I am onto new soul pastures that carry different frequencies and so these snip-its are my gift to everyone who wishes to receive as I move into new territory and receive the snip-its as guidance from those who have walked before me. To jump through the portal prematurely leaves holes of missed understandings and therefore the dream falls apart, the portal is an illusion. The steps moment by moment in authenticity will fill you so full that you are bursting with light for all who wish to receive and are walking with you, even if you can’t see them physically, they are there. This journey is the amazing experience that I Love, as it engages every part of me and brings everything to balance. As I move through the portal into the next journey, there is the firey challenge until I am ready to release, let go of the Snip-it that no longer nourishes our Soul. For me this is When I say Thank you, embrace the full experience with love and walk through the portal to begin Anew. If You wish~ this Snip- it is for you! See you in New Realms of Knowing!

For those looking for some steps to follow, I highly recommend Christopher Witecki has been gifted a Step system and shares it with all who wish to receive. FB sirius joy club is open for all who wish to join. This is an offering from my heart not a paid advertisement. With Love, Yvonne