Moving Forward

We are not going back to Source…We are remembering how to walk in the field of Source Energy and move forward with Source. We have stored what we need from the beginning of time to get us to this Ending, so we can expand beyond this version of experiencing with Source in separation. It has been an exhillarating experience so far. We have Truly felt every feeling in a very physical way. We allowed ourselves to believe it was Real…we went that deep and now we are engaging our Source energy to walk together as co-creators in full awareness. Wowzer! Can you imagine!? The New Beginning is nothing to fear. We have learned how to drive this vehicle through the use of Mind/Ego and now we surrender to Divine Source who has been directing us all along. The dance has always been expansion and forward movement. This is who we are, We just need to drop the mask, open the door and breath in the freshness of Unity, I AM, You Are, We Are.