A space for spiritual and physical health and growth.
You! Yes YOU hold the key to eternal Youth! Make peace with who you are and unlock your potential!
Oh we hear strange things of people using stem cells from babies & children or drinking the blood of children or other such crazy ideas for how people stay young. Stop for just a moment and see into yourself. What is the one thing you are doing in this life for your inner child and You. You are taking the time to hear your sweet child, bringing them to the part of you that has needed healing and all of a sudden you feel the effervessence of Youth, you find your joy again. all the love you felt you never got, your are receiving as your inner child is healing and evolving. Here it is, you have drank the life blood from your inner child, you have had a infusion of stem cells into your being, you have given love to a child that you had sacrificed to outside influences, their cells of life have expanded inside of you as you receive. All along it is YOU! Your inner Child is handing you your Truth & Youth as she/he feels the burst of life flowing from one to the other. Stop looking for the stories outside of yourself. You only see what others are telling you! Look inside, introduce yourself to your child and get reaquainted. There is only Love, Joy and eternal life Here. (No Children were hurt during this experiment. Your choice. If you choose to ignore your inner child and not give them love, well understand that is killing your own joy, your own life. Get it?)
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