Opening to New

We accepted that we needed to be busy and in a hurry.  Scurrying through important processes therefore not fully experiencing or feeling the Moment…missing out on gifts that were in plain sight.  Everything you ever dreamed of is all around you…Open your Eye (inner sight) and explore your inner world.  Take your time.  With your inner sight clearing see yourself through each sensation, embracing it before it dissipates into what was and becomes crystalized so that we can store for easy access when needed.  HMMM! Feel everything, This is a full spectrum experience…we are beyond 3D…Old Reruns are showing the breakdown and dissolution of the old and the Birthing of the New through the Labour pains of Creation!  Have faith in yourself and take your time.  The little things can make a difference in creating the New.  We have been creating a Big Picture for quite some time, now we must fully immerse ourselves in each thought to create the details of the Big Picture assisting in this amazing birth.  Newness! Breath Deep!  Freshness!  Gone are the smells of Decay as we lift ourselves out of the old into the New. 

Moving all the energies through the chakra system of our bodies, moving into flow and feeling allignment.