Sunday Prayer

May I

May You

May We

This prayer is offered to 

All sentient life…everyone playing their role, those that we feel conflict with… animals, sea creatures, plant life the entire world that we walk upon

Invitation to Close eyes

May I be happy, May I be healthy, May I be free of suffering, May I be free of anxiety,May I  live in peace, may my life be blessed with ease of well being.

May you be happy, May you be healthy, May you be free of suffering, May you be free of anxiety, May you live in peace, May your life be blessed with ease of well being.

May we be happy, May we be healthy, May we be free of suffering, May we be free of anxiety, May we live in peace, May your life be blessed with ease of well being.

May I, May You, May We…We give thanks with full faith  so be it, and so it is.