The Stories We Tell

Have you ever notice yourself make a story about why you feel a certain way? For example: I feel this way because my mother used to ” however your story is written”. I want to let you in on a secret! When we make up stories about anything that we are feeling, we give them power. They become alive and separate from us. What do you feel when you are reading this? In this moment I ask you to feel the feeling rather than creating a story attached to old feelings or beliefs around this feeling. In other words Just feel the energy of the moment…how is it running through your body. Honestly, as we open ourselves to the gift of our feelings without judgement, we open to a whole new sensation. The stories were needed l, we are now expanding beyond the Stories and the feeling is Fantastically Magical and in every range through all of the spectrum. To Begin, when you notice yourself going into the place of creating a story around an emotion you are feeling…Breath in deep and allow space for the feeling. Breath is so important as in Either Extreme Of Intense Anger or Intense Joy our physical bodies tighten, the breath gives the body space to relax …Take a moment with the breathing as you just feel into it and soon feel the feeling flow into the breath. Experience that! The feeling all by itself and take it on a journey through the full spectrum of your emotions. All of the perspectives will make you light up as you can once again shift in a new direction of experience. Observe and choose how you feel. And now I ask you “How do you Feel?” I am excited for all of the new sensations to explore. Without stories attached we will find our movement through life, situations that demand a choice, any feelings or emotions that arise, is much more fluid as we move forward. So I encourage everyone to stop telling yourselves stories around your feelings or emotions. Feel them for what they are, an experience of the moment and watch your external world move in a whole new way.