In the Silence

I have felt the need to be quiet for a few days and during this time I felt I had Nothing to Say. I was shown that in fact I had a lot to say, but first I was experiencing the depths of a moment playing out. I have been reviewing the way I interact and how others respond. I have been spending time alone, just being, playing music, frequencies and spending time in my garden, feeling the earth hold me as she always is such a comfort. Then I am reborn, I release it all, First in anger … so I moved some things, secured some boundaries and then moved in to tears as I released all of the emotion that had been held for sooooo long in a belief of how things “should be” that no longer exists. I am an evolving being and I do not choose to stay in old patterns. Just acknowledging my choice moves me in new directions, new experience. My body needed water and rest after th exertions of release. This is living in a moment fully. Experiencing the whole and bringing it to a movement, not an end, rather a movement forward taking the amazing things gleaned from this moment in a New Direction. Today, feels light, expansive and promising. I am ready to experience this!