You Are Not Alone

We have been preparing for these energies that either can be gentle or break us down. Our Outer world is showing us this for we are coming up to a Ring of Fire event October 14th 2023. Right before a Woman gives Birth, After However much time of labour pains(notice not all are long and arduous, some are intense, but quickly move to the next, and anyway else that is experienced), she experiences a RING OF FIRE!

We are experiencing a Ring of Fire Solar eclipse in our outer world, For us to have mirrored back to us and interpret the messages. This event will Birth New (No matter what the choice). Through this process leading up to, through and for several Months after this event we will be Releasing the Placenta and Cutting the Cord so that are New Creation may Breath in The Newness not Tainted by Old Patterns. This is the Beginning of new Generations as We the Creators are No longer Holding the old Patterns in Place. The Flood Waters Come and the New World is born from this clean Pure Space.

2023 put us all through the steps of many different challenges to prepare us for this moment. Each has our own story to tell as we each have our own journey. Choose your experience for how you would like to feel it .(It is the senses and feelings that you are truly experiencing, the people, places, pets and things are the actors in your experience) Many of us have focused in on our breath through the challenges, others focussing in on Gratitude, Prayer, Meditation, whatever method is fine…this is not of importance. Rather to choose your method of learning. Follow your feelings & how you are guided. We all receive the messages, it is up to us to interprete how it feels through our being. This is an Exciting time as we Now Can Fully Release and Acknowlege That We Are Responsible for What lives, walks and breathes in our Youniverse. We are shifting from a World of Control to a World of Innovation. Thus We need to break down the Walls and Shift beyond into the Unknown.

It is Time! You Are Not Alone