Your Breath

Right now, for any that are feeling Intense waves in their lives, please remember your Breath. What we are going through is a Letting Go, A Full Trust that everything is happening for You not against you. A total surrender to what you think is Real, realizing that it is just a presentation of your thoughts directed by your emotions in movie form. Now in this moment we must ground and our Breath can assist us. Breath in and move the breath of Intention through your entire body. It will shake free any stuck thoughts that have solidified and with your out breath push the energy out, fully releasing all of the stale air that was poisoning your mind. This is important Right now and at any time we are feeling intensity and wish to see the truth about it. The importance of your breath goes beyond this as it helps calm our Nervous system. This is important for our physical beings at this time as we are shifting to the higher energy grid. So Please, even if you are feeling confused, Breath, Breath, Breath! Help your body release the old energies, so the new energies can heal and sooth us. It is our resistance that is creating more Pain. This is an inner Journey. Are you Feeling It? Breathing will be your lifeline to the healing cave of your heart that will send love signals to your brain and life will circulate in a way we have never experienced before. Breath! Let Go! Let the Energy Flow! Breath! You are doing Great! You are participating in the Birthing of a whole new way of Being! Breath!