Open your mind to the Idea that we are all here for each other…We are here to bring each other to our truth, to mirror or shine or however you need to be brought to that place of Moving Forward. It is up to you if you are choosing to release the stuff that tires you out with it’s old sluggish energy or if you still want to feel the old feelings and reruns. Thus it may be a joyful experience or not. The choice is always ours and in a shift of heartfelt thought the mind can relax and feel the oneness of it all. We are all working for the good of one another, how that shows up will be different for each of us. Authenticity is what the Vibration of love feels like on one plane. When we truly see who we are, we relax and can even laugh, for we were resisting ourselves all along. We are one choosing an experience and travelling all the dimentions of that experience, so when you notice people disappearing from your life or others joining and feeling like family, you have just chosen a new experience. You have the choice this time of bringing the information that you mastered, through with you, but this time knowing and using it intentionally. Look around you…who are you gravitating toward? What kind of Energy? Take the time and look around at all the other energies. So many to choose from and then make sure you have packed your bag with all your tools and have a great Adventure from this New space and time. This new energy stream…all of the players have shifted or left. I Release this message to you and for it to be a map for those who feel this frequency.