You are Magnificent

Being spiritual, Being Love, does not equal Martyrdom, victimhood or being a doormat. Please think on this. Any Teaching that creates separation from God and teaches you that you must be Love only to others while denying yourself, is Controlling You and that is your lesson. Find Yourself and See the Amazing Being that You are. You are the Image of God! Why would God want you to diminish who you are.  This Reflects on your God. Is your God Powerful or Weak? The Great Teacher’s walked in their power that is why they could perform miracles and teach with conviction the gifts of life and of being. The portrayal of any as weak has been made for you to think this is righteous and the way to God, yet this way holds your energy to a very low level and makes you so tired so you cannot replenish yourself enough to live in a healthy way, pysically, spiritually and emotionally   When you see yourself, may you see your Truth. You are Magnificent! I AM.