Nightscape Magic

I create every moment of my day during my night journey. Yes I choose in how I acknowledge the stories of my mind. They are not present…They are of past events and expectations of how things will be based only on stories from the past. So each night before I move into my dreamsight which is very intense in colour and also detail for me as my natal Neptune sits with Scorpio, I choose to see the beauty in my day, the moment that brought Light to the Dark, for that is where we shine and create the New. When I awaken my mind can no longer focus on past as each time, with, love, care and practice I bring it back to Me, the authentic, real me, who chooses with love through the nightscapes and awakens secure as if held through the night by Love Itself and the New Present shows itself as my Dreams come forth.

My Dreams have always been Deep and Intense as my truth and purpose in life is also intense and has amazing depths that I am now so grateful for. When these stories unfolded into my physical life and I saw my way through the maze or puzzle, my heart filled and my mind received the new narrative that is everchanging which makes this life experience so exciting. My Uranus sits in my 12th house in between my Sun and my Rising in Leo, And my Pluto in Virgo conjunct my rising in the first house, therefore for me the experience many times was really abrupt. When I awakened into the Light after the nightscape had finished with story, it was a huge shift and many times with complete moving in location by hundreds of miles. New everything and into New Dreams I Walked. Over time I have learned to walk Conciously through my nightscape and shine my light on all the beautiful things, where my waking and my resting worlds come together and compliment one another with joy to be experienced through out every molecule of my physical being and everything that pours forth from me is balance and experienced as LOVE. I wish you Beautiful DayScapes created by your Concious Nightscapes.