Into the silence

Here we are moving into the depths of Winter for those who live in the same world. Winter is a time to go inside, build your fire and hold yourself in love for the harsh winds and coldness to pass, while your inner world rejeuvenates in preparation for the Sun’s Return. It is time … time to let the stories go, No Mind. No matter what the narrator in your head says it is only speaking from the past experience, for it is a keeper of the records, putting them in order to be called forth as memories or patterns of how things should work out (experiments A-Z). So open your eyes to your outer world as an exercise and be with your surroundings, feeling and receiving everything, yet with out a narrative, simply experiencing. I have to say it takes practice but is such powerful magic when you experience everything at once, flowing through, no story just musical notes, frequencies, flowing. Now that is orgasmic. It is time to go into the inner most sacred and receive pleasures beyond your imagination. Go into the Silence … if you dare.

Message received January 2,, 2024 @10:24 am