Other Side of FEAR!

There are no worries, no anxiety, no stories that have been told over and over on the other side of Fear! When you finally lift your head in defiance of what was and Walk right through the fear! This is why it is so important to forgive and let go of the story. Always the same theme, different players & settings/ tests are teasers you can see a mile away when you begin to walk into the fear. Don’t try to avoid the experience for these are treasures and tools for future adventures. So Choose to Surrender to the New that shows as Fear/A Portal into The Unknown. The Old Story keeps begging you back as it tests your new found strength and knowing. Just Smile and keep walking forward. How you react is what doors you open into the new, so with awareness choose wisely on the other side of Fear. For the Fear you passed through can hold you no more, You are expanding and giving birth to new landscapes, new sensations, new energy systems, upgrading everything you once knew. Enter as a Babe and feed on the New with the innocence of a child. You have Nothing to lose except Fear and Everything to Gain.