What is Truth?

Everything is truth. What you know, feel and Believe is your truth from your perspective? This is the beauty of perspective! The truth is the part of spectrum that you came to experience. My Perspective is my truth. We can resonate with many perspectives or energy patterns of whatever you wish to call them, but the point is that in this moment this is my truth, I may then resonate with another truth from anothers perspective and choose to live the experience for one moment or how ever long I wish and even itegrate portions into my being. We are all part of the Whole so we are creating a physical visual around our personal experience (internal/creation energy to get the most out of our chosen experience) Each one of us carries a gift and experiences it how we choose in the moment, the messages received from the new creation are sent to the whole so we can receive a download of the full perspective if we wish. When we choose to live (inner world/creates outer) in full awareness we are experiencing all of this all at once. We have been living an experience where we hid our truths in darkness and had to feel our way around to find them. We chose to see black or White and then expanded to all the shades and colours & shades of “feeling” awareness. It is as messy as you choose to make it or as gleeful as you wish to feel. Your very Personal Truth makes you unique and very important to the New World as we are moving into Creation with Full Awareness and each one of us brings an important element to the Creation Process through our Expansion. Therefore there is no need for comparison or judgement, us against them. We learned, we looped til we got it and now we move into a new Creation that takes us beyond. Well, that is my truth! What’s yours ? Acceptance of one another is the key to creating inner/outer peace. Love you! Peace Yvonne

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