A space for spiritual and physical health and growth.
It does not matter. nor is it judged, the tools you use to find yourself. We are experts of our own frequency and only you know yourself and can find your way through the delicate web we have created to find your way Home. …
The Moment Comes I drop in There is NoThing, Yet, I feel Everything Experience This if you like
I am fully released from previous Concepts, Expectations or Premonitions of the Mind that Create a false glimpse of what the future holds. My full understanding in this moment cannot know what the future holds, because I am fully embraced with this moment, nourishing…
To practice my truth daily is my ritual and way of life. This is my Truth. Simple. Truth for me is experiencing all facets, light and dark and bringing them to balance within my own being. Thank you for the shared experience, for You…
We humans love to swing to the extremes as we learn. It is through taking in all the wisdom and integrating with the new that we can come to the balance … for me this is our human way of learning and we seem…
My records are kept in my DNA. As I experience, expand and move in new directions my DNA expands with me. This is the Evolution of Creation! Or the Creation of Evolution? Which came first? hahaha.
There is always a choice and if you can’t see it, relax your mind and allow the space to be filled with silence. In Silent communion, your Heart, Mind and Soul become one and through Spirit all possibilities are revealed.
Enlightenment is an uncovering of the darkness within, moving through our centers for clearing, transmuting into energy and embodying a new truth that our light of recognition has shone on. So we live the story we choose, until we choose differently. Red Pill or…
Staying Grounded, Centered and Connected This is Why I, You, We Came. GO TIME!
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