A View from my Eyes

I do not have the answers for You. I have the questions. I have my own thoughts and ways of seeing my world that lead me on my journey. We each are seeing a unique perspective of our collective journey. What you see, I…

Message received @ 2:22

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, Don’t fear not having all the answers, Let go of fear and dive deep. It is time Beloved One’s. Everything you are holding onto that isn’t YOU and you are feeling it so strong, it is showing you…

What If?

What if…Everything goes well?You have fun?You succeed?It works out and nothing goes wrong?What if everything is okay?What if you live in the moment and let life Be what it is rather than making a story up before it even happens? Think on this…feel it…

Full Moon Aquarius

Healing by the Moon in Aquarius…Feel your Dreams(from the mind) and your Desires(from the heart) through every part of your being as all is being brought to full light. Fall in Love with Who you truly are and Choose a Forward Motion (North Node…

It is YOU!

Step up to the plate! In Separation we think, God is going to take care of this or that and we just need to pray, sit, eat and what ever. When you real-eyes there is no separation, it becomes clear, it is your energy…

Happy Sunday!

Today I rest! I feel so much Gratitude. I sit in this feeling to experience this moment fully.

Feelin’ Life

When I feel the truths drop and hit home!


Today is a new day! A new moment of light shining on my life. I release yesterday so that I may fully embrace the beauty of today. All of my yesterdays have lead me to this moment, this incredible beauty, and I am grateful….

Eternal Life?

This world that we have created is one of extremes, opposites and every variation inbetween. This is our experience, swinging back and forth, feeling and moving through every experiences, as fast or as slowly as we desire until we find our zero point. Everything…

You Create your experience

When we are really connecting you ask me: and have repeatedly done so…”It’s me isn’t it?  Is it me?”  I say Yes and you nod.  Then you choose to go back into your story to feel it some more.  Yes it feels so good…