
Think you can. Think you can’t. Either way you’ll be right.

Sending Reiki Healing Energy

We are drawn together by soul energy to bring together the whole. We are bringing to completion this part of our evolution. It can feel uncomfortable as we move this energy through us, but we are upgrading for the New Evolution of Life. May we receive deeply the New energies of every moment. I Love You! Love, Yvonne

Energies of the Moment

All of the Wisdom gained through every experience till now is being brought to light for each of us to integrate into being.  This is why things may feel wobbly or uncomfortable.  When we use our breath, Breath deep hold 5, Release 5 (or…

Walk in a new way

In this moment, how do you feel? Are you feeling excitement? You know that butterfly in your stomach feeling? You don’t know what is coming next? When we fully embody the moment it can feel like this as we have never walked life in…

Time to Find Me!

All the voices around us as we were growing up told us how to feel, how to think, how to act, how to be. This set the stage for us to move into adulthood and find ourselves, bring our unique version of being into…


Have a wonder-filled Weekend

A part of our essence is childlike, and it needs to experience childish joy, like giggle fests and tickle fights. May you find your gleeful and giddy 

There is no Rush…LIVE the MOMENT

When you Realize that the destination is the journey … and Now is the most important moment…it shifts everything and slows everything as I am no longer in a hurry to get somewhere rather I am breathing in deeply the experience of Now  DIVINE Life…

In the field of Possibities

In acceptance of this moment  I observe, choose and receive.  Life is right now.