
Emotions are temporary … Just keep breathing In and out, slow it down with deeper breathes Feel the breath move through your entire body Be with your breath, slowly, moving with it until you feel the flow. Keep Breathing … Keep Breathing … Keep…

A Traditional Náhuatl Prayer

I found this Prayer that I had saved. I love the reminder. I release my parents from the feeling that they have failed with me. I release my children from the need to make me proud, so that they can write their own ways,…

Soak it in

Soak in the silence of simply Being…Go deep inside…Feel the love your soul has for this amazing body you walk through this life in.  Soak all of this love in and spread that love everywhere … feel it and receive it.  Be Grateful in…


Being in Gratitude for everyone and everything in your life … watch your vision expand and all the gifts appear.  We narrow our vision when we reject gratitude and become blind to the blessings all around us. Through Gratitude, without expectation of what things…

Holy Shift

Art by Jake

Let’s Break out together

I always asked for Truth, not Man’s truth but truth…Today I received this amazing Download.  I remember. Mother Earth is already vibrating at  a new frequency…It is important that we ground deeply and feel the flow of the Torus  Energy through our beings, connecting…

It is all around Us! Believe and See


I am open and willing to receive, I am open and willing to receive, I am open and willing to receive. I open up with Love, I open up with Love, I open up with Love. I open up to Receive, I open up…

Water Element

The water element is one of big feelings and imagination. Water signs are submerged in their surroundings, often sensing the hidden emotional reality…through water we can feel all the feelings around us, other people, animals, birds…the messages can be passed this way.  When you…

Experience Water

Water is of the West in Circle Casting. Water is known for emotions, fluidity, empathy, relationships, divination, sensitivity, intuition, and love.  Rose quartz is a stone used to support positive relationships, love, friendships, and familial bonds. For those reasons, you can use rose quartz…