The Main Element of June

Air Air is the element of the east, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re working related to communication, wisdom, or the powers of the mind, air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away…

Everything is connected

Mother Earth is already vibrating at  a new frequency…It is important that we ground deeply and feel the flow of the Torus  Energy through our beings, connecting all.  We have been receiving so many signs from Mother Earth, For she is the ultimate Nurturer,…

We are One

Love Soak

Soak in the silence of simply Being…Go deep inside…Feel the love your soul has for this amazing body you walk in this life in.  Soak all of this love in and spread that love everywhere … feel it and receive it.  Be Grateful in…

Self Care

Today I sit in Communion with Mother Earth, she soothes my Soul. What are you doing for YOU today? #Selfcare #Findingbalance #IAM

Opening to New

We accepted that we needed to be busy and in a hurry.  Scurrying through important processes therefore not fully experiencing or feeling the Moment…missing out on gifts that were in plain sight.  Everything you ever dreamed of is all around you…Open your Eye (inner…

Receive Healing Reiki Energy

Today is a New Day

There is healing happening within you…trust the process, but more importantly trust yourself.


Full Moon Energy