Creation begins

In any moment when you are fully committed to being present and the noise inside your mind is fully quiet.  In this silence you understand the beautiful empty canvas that is awaiting you.   Silence the Noise, the Narrative, feel your blank canvas calling…

In the Silence

Have you ever asked a plant you are working with in the garden to receive you so you can clean it? You might be surprised when the plant acknowledges and receives this blessing from you as it opens it arms for you to clean…

Other Side of FEAR!

There are no worries, no anxiety, no stories that have been told over and over on the other side of Fear! When you finally lift your head in defiance of what was and Walk right through the fear! This is why it is so…

Everything to Gain!

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for the highest frequency and breath with it until it feels natural. Keep your eyes on what your heart desires. Your Breath will bring the alignment as you continue to feel the frequencies beyond…


We are all experiencing the “New” happening all around us. However as to our beliefs, our perspective and our free will choice, we will be experiencing differently. That is the beauty of our Collective that has chosen to move forward with the human physical…


The Idea is to live Every Spectrum of every moment fully  by embracing the One Full Moment. In choosing to experience all of it (rather than with limited sight) we become one with every timeline, dimension, fractal, everything all at once, in this full…

Holy shift

Wowzer the Winds of Shift are hitting hard this first day of March 2024. Feeling a little seasick as I am being blown through every dimention and every timeline and can never seem to find what I am looking for (What I think I…

It is never about the destination…

The Reason Why there is a Beginning and an ending to This Grand Story we are living is because it was never about the destination … It has always been about the journey. The Journey through every conceivable way possible. Free will to live…

Full Moon Cakes

Sooooo… I got thinking the other day about Crows & that we place Scare Crows in fields of Corn to protect the Corn. Well, I just wanted to make the Crow’s that share food & gifts with me daily some special full moon celebration…

Be in Integrity

Whatever you do, say or act out in the physical,  do it with integrity to yourself?  What shows up on the outside is a mirror reflection back to you of YOU!  Be true to YOU Always and not only YOU,  but All will Prosper.