Rabbit Holes

All the Stories you hear, read or scroll through are Rabbit Holes for you to fall into and explore if you choose to. What you believe deeply is what you will find. The Queen of Hearts screams “Off with their Heads” or Turn off…

In the Beginning

Remember, It is just a story … In the Beginning. When you stop the story it is “The End” It has been prophesized over and over again, in every different dimention and timeline. There is a Beginning and an Ending! Everything in the middle…

Roll like a Stone

Leave the energy of your day in a puddle on the floor that is cleaned up every night. Begin your new day with the dreams that fill your nightscape with new beginnings, bright colours, bubbles of joy filling the air or deep adventures into…

Recognize your Tribe

You may not be seeing your New Tribe Yet! They are right infront of your eyes…Release any expectations from old reruns and open your eyes to New. Your New Tribe may not look like you! That is the point. Enjoy the Dance into Frequency,…

Today! Love Yourself!

Be so patient with your physical body at this time. We must understand that as we are clearing beliefs and other stories, thoughts and feelings that are toxic to our inner environment, our physical body also must detoxify of all the mucus pockets where…

Sit with your Heart light

Download 2/11 Stop looking back!  Do you get it?  This is confusing as you are looking at the 3D as if it should be shifting!  Those are your expectations from 3D thought.  Now Breath, Find your Center again and Ground deeply! You must get…

In Awareness

In the Awareness of Choosing to respond Differently, I am liberated, I am Reborn. In continued Awareness and Choosing to respond differently, I Evolve into New Awareness. What a Dance this Realm of All Possibilities is!

Dance with your Breath

That Moment when everything fell into place so quickly that it took your breath away…focus on your breath, reconnect to the alignment and continue breathing love into your life blood. You are adjusting to unfamiliar energies moving through because you are creating something New….

In this Moment!

I was busy last night, working together with all who are aligned as we are lighting up a new world to explore. I don’t want to know what lays ahead, so I choose to not know all the details at this time. I just…


Dreams have brought created very pivitol movements in my life. When I release them from my dreamstate into my awareness they become living, walking, life. As I listen to my dreams, they whisper, set yourself free. What are your dreams sharing with you?