Happy New You!

All of the different timelines may seem chaotic right now as the passing of a year is calculated differently all over the Globe of Humankind. So whenever you choose to celebrate the Ending of a story is up to you! But My Wish for…


Every time I share my soul snip-its I pass through a portal of understanding, just as you have each time you see yourself through to a new understanding. In the moment I share with you, I release the snip-it that no longer serves my…

Wake up to Now

No matter what your mind is trying to tell you from His Story (History/for that is all it knows)…keep waking yourself to NOW where none of that Old story exists. This is your exercise for everyday! In the beginning it may be a challenge,…

Do You Believe?

No one can fortell your future unless you believe what they say! Do you feel this? The News, Media, Anything outside you that tells you how things will be in your life, are spewing reruns with new twists. If you are still holding fear…


Gratitude consumes you when you live it and there is not room for expectations or desires. For You are in Full abundance when you embody Gratitude. Feel into that. No Thoughts, Just Feeling. Breath into your Heart through your Crown and you will Experience…

Be the Change!

You can only truly see who you are, when you are able to step away from your Mind, your thoughts and be an Observer. Only then can you truly see Your Magnificence. Your Life is changed forever. Ah! Yes! There is so much more…

Nightscape Magic

I create every moment of my day during my night journey. Yes I choose in how I acknowledge the stories of my mind. They are not present…They are of past events and expectations of how things will be based only on stories from the…

You Can Change Your Stars

At the end of the day when we review to see how we did, know that this process is not for you to judge yourself rather to learn from for your next day!  So receive the messages and say thank you … have a…

You are Magnificent

Being spiritual, Being Love, does not equal Martyrdom, victimhood or being a doormat. Please think on this. Any Teaching that creates separation from God and teaches you that you must be Love only to others while denying yourself, is Controlling You and that is…

It’s a New Dawn

Notice Today the Heaviness and density of People, Places, things, any and every part of this Density that we have been clearing from our field. Our lightness is releasing all of it, Cough it out, all of the ash that is Left as you…