A space for spiritual and physical health and growth.
I create every moment of my day during my night journey. Yes I choose in how I acknowledge the stories of my mind. They are not present…They are of past events and expectations of how things will be based only on stories from the…
At the end of the day when we review to see how we did, know that this process is not for you to judge yourself rather to learn from for your next day! So receive the messages and say thank you … have a…
Being spiritual, Being Love, does not equal Martyrdom, victimhood or being a doormat. Please think on this. Any Teaching that creates separation from God and teaches you that you must be Love only to others while denying yourself, is Controlling You and that is…
Notice Today the Heaviness and density of People, Places, things, any and every part of this Density that we have been clearing from our field. Our lightness is releasing all of it, Cough it out, all of the ash that is Left as you…
When I receive a download my mind steps aside and the flow is through my room I created filled with all of the tools of perception as I receive them… But the feeling is so Amazing, Like a symphony of breezes and everything that…
To acknowledge who we really are, the magnificence of our beings, our connection to Divine amazingness…This is Truth, Light and Divine Connection. The old story that is dying, was a program to keep us separate from our true Glory. Congratulations to every single small…
When we are spending time with our Mind, Heart and Soul…Be there whole heartedly. If your mind tells you that it wants this or that brought to reality, as in material possessions or things, please check in with your heart and soul. Are we…
Trust The Flow Sit in the Flow and Feel it through your Heart…let your mind rest today. It is tired as there has been so much work on de-fragging of the old files, installing it into the library and opening to new areas of…
The beauty is we all bring different colours to living, different vibrations of creation and when we open to this understanding we create together and it is amazing. When we release the limits of our mind and let go of old ideas for the…
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