A space for spiritual and physical health and growth.
When we are stepping into the New it can feel scary because we don’t know how to feel about it yet. Everyone of your senses will open, checking this New energy out. And the first place we go is to Protection because we have…
I used to think that everyone must know something I didn’t know…Therefore I would question what my intuition, my spirit connection would share with me. Today I remember. I belong in the Realm of My Innerstanding of Love and Trust that creates so many…
Breath in deep and let your mind wander back in your memories of past lives and watch the patterns of you shifting and changing and moving through all of the elements. You are the building block of the New for you have been collecting…
As I heal- you heal, we heal together, as we have shared our Glorious Moments and our Scary Bits.Then We met in our center and smiled as we viewed all of the possibilities for our next adventure.
And then there is the moment! The moment you Stop and start laughing! The moment you realize there are no levels to anything. How will you respond? Out of Love? For There is only Love. It has been there all along, but our challenge…
So who decided the ins and outs of God? Why are there so many conflicting ideas of what and who God is? Think about it! There is a field and I will meet you there! God is a field of all possibilities and we…
Open your mind to the Idea that we are all here for each other…We are here to bring each other to our truth, to mirror or shine or however you need to be brought to that place of Moving Forward. It is up to…
When your mind is pointing the finger at others and complaining or judging … take a step away to your heart and feel what that is! You may just notice that your mind is stuck on a pattern that you are ready to leave…
Take a moment, relax into the moment to become the space and from this space let’s review our patterns. Sit with this until you can fully see how you rode the waves, climbed the mountains, planted the seed, nutured your soul, became enlightened and…
Any portion of yourself that you have mastered gives you powers. For you can walk in the world amongst those that are still mastering this one experience and remain centered in support and compassion for your fellow travellers. This does not make anyone better…
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