Let Go!!! Be Amazed

I am fully released from previous Concepts, Expectations or Premonitions of the Mind that Create a false glimpse of what the future holds. My full understanding in this moment cannot know what the future holds, because I am fully embraced with this moment, nourishing my soul from the table of Life. Enjoying the Dance through the Light and Deep into the Dark. I am Experiencing Creation! Let Go and Be Amazed!

Walking in your Truth

To practice my truth daily is my ritual and way of life. This is my Truth. Simple. Truth for me is experiencing all facets, light and dark and bringing them to balance within my own being. Thank you for the shared experience, for You shed light in my dark spaces for me to see, experience and accept everything that I AM. You ARE. We ARE!

Your Truth is how you walk and how your life is directed, it is simple. Truth is simple and it expands when we choose Surrender and Acceptance of everthing and every being walking in their own truth. We are the many faces of Truth exploring, living and loving every experience. When we Walk in Truth without judgement and in Full surrender, there can only be Peace, Joy, Love and continual expansion, learning and Growth , for this experience is inclusive of all. Here we are! Breath Deep and Awaken to Your Truth. A Truth that only YOU can discover and Shine in your Beautiful LIght!

The Pendulum of Life

We humans love to swing to the extremes as we learn. It is through taking in all the wisdom and integrating with the new that we can come to the balance … for me this is our human way of learning and we seem to be surprised by it every time. We swing way into the darkness and then way into the light of any experience we are having. I have learned to love all of the steps inbetween, as it is not the destination. Rather through my journey(all the choices I make and steps I take, How much I surrender what I think I know into what, is in this moment) is how I learn and grow. This for me is the process of being human, a full body expression.

Chicken? or the Egg?

My records are kept in my DNA.

As I experience, expand and move in new directions my DNA expands with me.  This is the Evolution of Creation! Or the Creation of Evolution?

Which came first?


The Field of all Possibilities

There is always a choice and if you can’t see it, relax your mind and allow the space to be filled with silence.  In Silent communion, your Heart, Mind and Soul become one and through Spirit all possibilities are revealed. 

Red Pill or Blue Pill or Purple?

Enlightenment is an uncovering of the darkness within, moving through our centers for clearing, transmuting into energy and embodying  a new truth that our light of recognition has shone on. 

So we live the story we choose, until we choose differently.  Red Pill or Blue Pill or Purple?


Staying Grounded, Centered and Connected

This is Why I, You, We Came. GO TIME!

It’s A New Day, It’s A New Moon!

All the messages coming pouring in:

Everything that is close to you in this moment, the people, the events, situations, your health, whatever you encounter.  The gift is in the acceptance.  When we resist, everything becomes HARDER!  Lean into that and feel it.  Then surrender your ego that wants to hold on to the way things have always been and relax into the NOW, this moment and love every bit of this moment.  Take your brain offline.  In this moment there is no “but this is the way it always has been” or What if this happens? “… This Moment Right now is in the field of all possibilities.  This is all there is and this is where your salvation lies. 

Seeing Beyond

I was thinking about Politics and how it is only seen in opposites.   This life we are living is one of duality, polar opposites and taking sides, until we find our balance.   You see we keep speaking that we want Peace, Love and Harmony to be our world.  But our world is built on the Peace, Love and Harmony we hold within and operate through in our daily lives.  Do Not expect anything to be different outside of you, for you are your world.  We see our world through the eyes of perception of our inner world. We are mirroring our thoughts that have become beliefs. Can you see this?  In and through our Unique perspectives of this Journey may we come together to Build a New World from the Inside Out…The way we treat the other outside is a mirror of our Inside World.  Become what You Wish to See and Live. May all release what was and birth Peace, Love, Joy and Harmony within and creating a new vision without.  We can Bring all the Colours of the Rainbow Together.  This is not a loss of who you are, rather a sharing of perspectives of all the stories Lived, to move forward with.

Walking in Awareness

Breaking through the barrier of this old story, this old world, we have exhausted every avenue of perspective learning and growing and we are sucked through the black hole as we release the parts of the story that are no longer relevant for our journey. A Birthing into a New life Of Possibilities and Shared experiences. This opens us to new perspectives, new experiences, new beginnings.  We have walked ourselves into awareness.  Awareness of who we truly are…a knowing that we are choosing as our life is being created with each step into the unknown of NOW!    How Grand Life IS!!! To Experience this new World being unveiled is Magical! Remember it is You! It is Me! It is the Whole! We are one yet bring all the colours of the rainbow to the New.