You are your Own Healer

When we take responsibility for our own choices it becomes clear to us what is working in our lives and what we would like to bring with us as we move forward.

Healing is the release of thoughts and feelings that are holding us in patterns in our everyday life. others come and go throughout our life to share with us their own healing journey, some gently inspire, while others bring a sharp sting that wakes us up to an instant healing or awareness of ourselves.

This is the beauty of the one, we are all here to light the way for each other. There are so many dimentions to this amazing Creation that we are experiencing. But know! You are the ONE!

Present Living

One of The Huge Gifts of living in the Present moment is:

No Worries, there is nothing that exists in this present moment of your past, therefore there is nothing to fix or be concerned about. Free your mind and live in this moment only…HUGE! I love Me, I love You, I love We

Relax into it

I woke up this morning and a thought of just one responsibility brought a tension…I felt into that and realized that all of my life i have awakened into this world holding a tension. A need to control my day, every detail, and how I responded in word and movement, either physically or emotionally. I saw the thread and pulled it. As it unravelled I saw this old belief that I had embraced of having to be perfect as that is what is acceptable to God. Now to unravel and feel into the perfection of everything as it is, without judgement from my inner critic. Layers my dear, that is how we uncover into the depths and find that our sea monsters are just unloved parts that are being held to standards that do not belong in my story anymore. I am grateful for the light of each day as it reveals more and more of who I truly am underneath all the dogma and stories of an old world passing… Today I sit in Gratitude for this, knowing that in every moment I am blessed with shift, growth, change, integration and rest. Relax into the tension or feelings that may arise and the unravelling is so much smoother. May you be blessed as I am blessed.

Super full moon Energies

Have you been feeling the energies of this Full Moon? For me they have been bringing up some major things to look at and choose a different path forward. Letting go of old habits, old ways of being, old fears can be so difficult and yet we are being challenged to do so, because it is time. The old ways are no longer serving us and the longer we stay in them, we become more confined, more imprisoned. Our thoughts can create barriers and when we let them take over in fear, they become great walls that we feel we cannot overcome. How much power are we giving to these Prison Walls? This is a question to ponder because this Full Moon in Pisces at 29 degrees is saying it is time. It is time to break free of the old and release our grip on thoughts and beliefs that we have told ourselves are the ONLY TRUTH…trust that when we let go there is a trampoline below that we can then exercise new moves, we can bounce, find our laughter and joy as we begin to experience new ways of being, new Truths that continue to evolve. We have been preparing for these shifts all along. The excitement of what is to come. I love it. How about You? How are you doing? How are you feeling? I for one am so glad you are here. I wish you peace, love and Joy! Yvonne

August 27th message

Right now things can feel somewhat intense. If not for you that is great, we are joyful for you and see your shining example, Thank you for your light and guidance. For those that are feeling a alone, overwhelmed or just feeling uncomfortable or unsure. The message has come to me loudly in the last couple of days “Breath, Breath deep and keep breathing finding your bodies rythm and bringing it deeper.” Relax into it. Go into nature and sit with nature and relax into it. Whatever you can do to surrender into the flow. Relax your mind from trying to create stories of what you see through your perspective of the world and what is happening in it. How we feel this experience we are moving through will depend on how we surrender. This is where nature comes in. This will help us ground all of our emotions, thoughts, physical bodies and our spirit. The grounding right now will assist us not to react so strongly as we release the old story that is fighting to stay alive. These stories can only live on if we are living them. Can you see this?…This is our choice. May your choices bring you Joy!

Harmonic Convergence

Practice hearing that voice that guides you…when you take it to your heart you will feel and choose a response.  We have safeguards built into how we experience life. Mind, Heart, Intuition 3rd eye and your Gut instinct.  Listen to learn and be guided This is when a Harmonic Convergence Truly happens in your YOUniverse ✌️💖🙏  Heart Center…Mind Blown


Nothing that remains concealed can be healed. It is time for full disclosure.

This is Where love comes in…Love yourself (so you can see who you truly are), embrace those around you with this beautiful unconditional love. We can love each other through the acceptance, grieving and letting go process. We are so blessed! The Red pill please.

Power & Surrender

When I hold my power in balance in my own world, I am emitting energy out to others, warming and sustainable…all who are moving in this direction will join in the grid that stabilizes a New Vision.  Through this Energy we co-create a whole new world that we then can individually experience to bring to the whole, the completion, to move through into unknown territory once again.  You are the explorer of your own YOU-niverse.  We have kept ourselves so busy on the outside but We are being turned inward to clear out the last remnants of what we thought was real. It truly is about the journey! Relax into it! Face your truth, look it in the eyes and surrender <3

Welcome to the New World

When we come to the place in our living full and in our understanding that only this moment exists, then life is not short, life is whatever we choose to fill this moment with, it changes our perspective.  Take a moment and just live it.  Be in it.  Feel all the feels of this moment.  From my experience time as in Man’s idea of time becomes non-existent when we fully live the moment.  Living this moment and this moment only with the fullness of our heart, emotions, our mind, our whole being and taking that to the farthest point of experience will show us just how much we have…We are rich with time,imagination, desires, love and so much more to experience.  Time to wake up my loves, a new moment is calling to be explored to its fullest degree.  Our minds have created a cyclic story that we have been regurgitating through the steps of learning how it feels to live “the blind leading the blind.”  When we got a glimpse of our purpose we grabbed on with all our might and clung to a belief in the darkness. Now as we are being shaken to our core and as we awaken we come into the light and we get it, we see through the experience with love and compassion, for we are becoming so much more than what we ever were and we are creating amazing things.  Listen to your Heart, Soul, Mind, Body. They are your guidance system that we put in place so we wouldn’t get lost.  The words of the Blind Leaders will only guide us to where their experience is headed.  IT IS A CHOICE TO FOLLOW.  Please remember, only you can guide your experience.  Group and community experiences can be shared by those whose journey is moving them in that direction, but within the group each must be clear on who they are so they do not become followers, rather sharing the experience in a beneficial way for the whole, bringing all of their skills, heart, mind and souls to complete a larger picture. It is time for each part of us to become acquainted with and feel into every part of who we are so we can bring the next vision into being and live out the experiences we choose…this is our new challenge for we have been lost in the darkness and now the light is showing a new way.  Welcome to the New World. 

Ride the Wave

This is my true evolution of spirit, mind & body… in every moment of being, learning, shifting, growing and exploring. I call it the Real NeverEnding Story. How Exciting…Enlightenment is simply in the moment and then there is A New Moment. Feel your way through as we adjust to these new energies, After walking in Darkness we need to gently love ourselves through the process into acceptance. It only feels uncomfortable because it is a new sensation, something unknown to us until we are experiencing it. Take your time, feel into it fully, there is no hurry, just ride the wave.