I am Proud of You!

This is the true evolution of spirit, constantly learning, shifting, growing, exploring.  I call it the Real NeverEnding Story.  How Exciting! Enlightenment is simply in the moment and then there is A New Moment

In the Silence

I have felt the need to be quiet for a few days and during this time I felt I had Nothing to Say. I was shown that in fact I had a lot to say, but first I was experiencing the depths of a moment playing out. I have been reviewing the way I interact and how others respond. I have been spending time alone, just being, playing music, frequencies and spending time in my garden, feeling the earth hold me as she always is such a comfort. Then I am reborn, I release it all, First in anger … so I moved some things, secured some boundaries and then moved in to tears as I released all of the emotion that had been held for sooooo long in a belief of how things “should be” that no longer exists. I am an evolving being and I do not choose to stay in old patterns. Just acknowledging my choice moves me in new directions, new experience. My body needed water and rest after th exertions of release. This is living in a moment fully. Experiencing the whole and bringing it to a movement, not an end, rather a movement forward taking the amazing things gleaned from this moment in a New Direction. Today, feels light, expansive and promising. I am ready to experience this!

The Moment

Did you feel it? The moment that it clicked. That a feeling was fully realized. Each time I feel like the labour pains of life are easy up, there is another one around the corner, and yet all I have to do is look it in the eye and say Thank You! When that happens( after some painful learning experiences), that moment, the click, the full realization that makes your body quiver. Yes that! In that realization all that passed before the Click no longer exists, for the frequency has shifted. You are made new in each of these moments. That is why there is so much about the practicing of Meditation and being in the Moment, because in the stillness, in that breath the whole world is created. The final Push! I can do it! You can do it! We as co-creaters can do it. Wait until the experiences with this brand new life in its’ infancy. I just got shivers, Wow. Love this Journey!

Just Be You

Yesterday a quick flue, fever,and a few other things burned through my body. I drank water, electrolytes and allowed my body to do what it needed for healing. Interesting as when we are ill, we have to stop and reflect on life. I feel I went through a major purging and burning up of old patterns. I have been spending time redirecting my thought and feelings around relationships (I mean to everything, not just romantic). Just feeling them and what direction I would like to explore or none. Choices.

So today I feel good, a little sore, but inflammation requires a cool down rather than the heat of the fire (fever). I am taking it easy and caring for this physical body. I put magnesium oil on my feet, lower back and neck last night and this morning…took my cannabis orally I am feeling soooo much better. I just wanted to share my experience.

Interesting as this has also been a year of devastating fires in the News. We are all purging! There is so much that we are shifting inside and changing on the outside. Treat yourself well, as your energy is so precious for the amazing transformation that we are going through. Letting it all go…ready to move on. Love Yvonne

You don’t have to explain…just let go!

I love First’s!!! How about you?

So many think that in order to attain a certain spiritual level, they must experience fully every little emotional entanglement in order to self-actualize. My dear friends we humans sometimes like to complicate things, I Feel so much energy spent, when if we relax the answer is there in the emptiness. The challenge before us is”Not to take on any of these energies that are calling (especially in this time period}, but to observe and see into the reflection being presented, thus in becoming so aware of our truth we are able to no longer be attached to the emotional story we created around an emotion we have experienced over and over as we are weaving a web with all of the other collaborators in this Book Of Life. We Let Go and fly free. What a relief and then we can’t even remember it anymore and we don’t want to. It truely is I (each one of us individually } that holds on tight to the story and yet it was created from the lense of life that I chose to see this world through, not from anyone else’s perspective. We will all see things just slightly different. This is the cosmic joke in a sense that we are all a collective of unique individual perspectives sharing our experience and in this moment concluding one story to begin another. How exciting! I love Firsts and this feels like a first because we have no idea what is next. The Shock! The Excitement! The Anticipation! All the feels that run through your entire physical being, open your senses to the excitement about this moment in Life. I wish for you all that sensation of a First experience!!! Enjoy!

Not my photo and unfortunately I don’t know whose it is. But please enjoy it and give thanks for this photographer’s talent. Thank you

The Stories We Tell

Have you ever notice yourself make a story about why you feel a certain way? For example: I feel this way because my mother used to ” however your story is written”. I want to let you in on a secret! When we make up stories about anything that we are feeling, we give them power. They become alive and separate from us. What do you feel when you are reading this? In this moment I ask you to feel the feeling rather than creating a story attached to old feelings or beliefs around this feeling. In other words Just feel the energy of the moment…how is it running through your body. Honestly, as we open ourselves to the gift of our feelings without judgement, we open to a whole new sensation. The stories were needed l, we are now expanding beyond the Stories and the feeling is Fantastically Magical and in every range through all of the spectrum. To Begin, when you notice yourself going into the place of creating a story around an emotion you are feeling…Breath in deep and allow space for the feeling. Breath is so important as in Either Extreme Of Intense Anger or Intense Joy our physical bodies tighten, the breath gives the body space to relax …Take a moment with the breathing as you just feel into it and soon feel the feeling flow into the breath. Experience that! The feeling all by itself and take it on a journey through the full spectrum of your emotions. All of the perspectives will make you light up as you can once again shift in a new direction of experience. Observe and choose how you feel. And now I ask you “How do you Feel?” I am excited for all of the new sensations to explore. Without stories attached we will find our movement through life, situations that demand a choice, any feelings or emotions that arise, is much more fluid as we move forward. So I encourage everyone to stop telling yourselves stories around your feelings or emotions. Feel them for what they are, an experience of the moment and watch your external world move in a whole new way.

My Wish for You is my Gift to Me

In your space of alone time, may you begin to see your true self, setting aside who you think you are or the multiple people you have had to be to please others, just see You! The spell is to sit long enough to see yourself through eyes of Love, releasing any judgement. I wish you Love all the rest will follow

Patterns and You

Please be kind to yourself ❤ You are on track for recognizing your patterns. This is a wonderful thing for as we see our patterns the awareness releases the hold they have on us and we begin to see things in a new light or at least question them. We are constantly evolving, so to bring awareness to our patterns of self sabotage keeps us moving in new directions. This is the dance of life. Moving through all the experiences and choosing our reactions or interactions with life. Being aware of being stuck in old ways that aren’t serving us is Key to moving forward and when we love ourselves through it we release the things that aren’t working for us easier. I wish you Love and Blessings on your fantastical, magical journey. ❤ Love is always the answer ❤ (This is your journey and how you decide to live it is exactly where you are to be in this moment…Your experience is important for the whole)

A View from my Eyes

I do not have the answers for You. I have the questions. I have my own thoughts and ways of seeing my world that lead me on my journey. We each are seeing a unique perspective of our collective journey. What you see, I may not see, what you feel, I may feel differently, what you taste, my experience is mine and not yours and on and on. That is the beauty of the Collective Journey. Think on this: To judge someone is ridiculous. Their experience is completely different. What if instead we share with one another IN COMPLETE PRESENCE. Our presence in another’s world can give us a glimpse of something unique and different and shift each of us so profoundly. Peer into the Windows of another’s being to receive a new perspective. Have a beautiful Day of experiencing Presence.

Message received @ 2:22

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, Don’t fear not having all the answers, Let go of fear and dive deep. It is time Beloved One’s. Everything you are holding onto that isn’t YOU and you are feeling it so strong, it is showing you to love yourself through it. You are not defined by that Story only you hold onto. No one else gives a thought to it until you bring their attention to what you are holding … Hmmm! Think on this! It is time to get vulnerable with your deepest Core and release your biggest fear. No one is judging you but you. Please take this to heart, Own who you are and Love, Love, Love. Bring your energy into alignment and feel the Glow from your Soul that is feeding you and caring for you as you move through these amazing journeys.