I do not have the answers for You. I have the questions. I have my own thoughts and ways of seeing my world that lead me on my journey. We each are seeing a unique perspective of our collective journey. What you see, I may not see, what you feel, I may feel differently, what you taste, my experience is mine and not yours and on and on. That is the beauty of the Collective Journey. Think on this: To judge someone is ridiculous. Their experience is completely different. What if instead we share with one another IN COMPLETE PRESENCE. Our presence in another’s world can give us a glimpse of something unique and different and shift each of us so profoundly. Peer into the Windows of another’s being to receive a new perspective. Have a beautiful Day of experiencing Presence.
Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, Don’t fear not having all the answers, Let go of fear and dive deep. It is time Beloved One’s. Everything you are holding onto that isn’t YOU and you are feeling it so strong, it is showing you to love yourself through it. You are not defined by that Story only you hold onto. No one else gives a thought to it until you bring their attention to what you are holding … Hmmm! Think on this! It is time to get vulnerable with your deepest Core and release your biggest fear. No one is judging you but you. Please take this to heart, Own who you are and Love, Love, Love. Bring your energy into alignment and feel the Glow from your Soul that is feeding you and caring for you as you move through these amazing journeys.
What if…
Everything goes well?
You have fun?You succeed?
It works out and nothing goes wrong?
What if everything is okay?
What if you live in the moment and let life Be what it is rather than making a story up before it even happens? Think on this…feel it through…how do you choose to respond now?
Healing by the Moon in Aquarius…Feel your Dreams(from the mind) and your Desires(from the heart) through every part of your being as all is being brought to full light. Fall in Love with Who you truly are and Choose a Forward Motion (North Node Aries) being Balanced(south node in Libra) between the two(Spirit). You have been creating for some time now an inner world full of Treasures and Riches beyond Compare. May we illuminate these creations that are beginning to unfold as our Inner New World steps into our Outer World and the two become One. Share the Vision!
Step up to the plate! In Separation we think, God is going to take care of this or that and we just need to pray, sit, eat and what ever. When you real-eyes there is no separation, it becomes clear, it is your energy that roams and moves and creates. Everything in your physical surroundings is responding to YOU. To your subtle shifts and movements, and to your loud dramatic flare. However you are feeling, processing and speaking your story inside (whether you are conscious of it or not)is playing out in this physical existence we call life. It is time to own our responsibility, our story and Choose to move Consciously, Exploring New Worlds, New Stories, New Sensations…there is so much more that we can create. Here in this Story we are learning to move mountains so we can see with real eyes the beauty of the valley’s. Let’s work together as one to move those mountains and complete this Story. There are lovely new creations to be explored in every way!
Today I rest! I feel so much Gratitude. I sit in this feeling to experience this moment fully.
When I feel the truths drop and hit home!
Today is a new day! A new moment of light shining on my life. I release yesterday so that I may fully embrace the beauty of today. All of my yesterdays have lead me to this moment, this incredible beauty, and I am grateful. I appreciate all of my past experiences, but release them to fly free so I may fully embody this now moment and the blessings of growth, change and the amazing beauty I am Now! We are blessed with our Creation. I am excited to live each moment and fill it with beauty and fulfillment. Thank you for experiencing this life with me.
This world that we have created is one of extremes, opposites and every variation inbetween. This is our experience, swinging back and forth, feeling and moving through every experiences, as fast or as slowly as we desire until we find our zero point. Everything has a complete spectrum of experience through our creations, Remember this as we walk gently so not to judge, rather observe our amazing creation and feel the layers of sensation, exploring and experiencing everything fully so we find our balance, center point of creation of full acceptance. When we find this zero point of acceptance of the full experience we can begin anew, creating a new World to explore. And you thought eternity was boring???
When we are really connecting you ask me: and have repeatedly done so…”It’s me isn’t it? Is it me?” I say Yes and you nod. Then you choose to go back into your story to feel it some more. Yes it feels so good in the feeling, for there are so many lights that are lit, triggers that are triggered and deep waters of understanding and feeling…Go deep. Experience it all. You already know it is YOU and when the time is right you will move on from the dream. There is nothing wrong with you! This is an experience you chose to create into a dense reality to experience it on a different level. Live it fully and receive all of it. It is your creation. Your Art Form Showing itself so it can be experienced on different levels. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
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