Eternal Life?

This world that we have created is one of extremes, opposites and every variation inbetween. This is our experience, swinging back and forth, feeling and moving through every experiences, as fast or as slowly as we desire until we find our zero point. Everything has a complete spectrum of experience through our creations, Remember this as we walk gently so not to judge, rather observe our amazing creation and feel the layers of sensation, exploring and experiencing everything fully so we find our balance, center point of creation of full acceptance. When we find this zero point of acceptance of the full experience we can begin anew, creating a new World to explore. And you thought eternity was boring???

You Create your experience

When we are really connecting you ask me: and have repeatedly done so…”It’s me isn’t it?  Is it me?”  I say Yes and you nod.  Then you choose to go back into your story to feel it some more.  Yes it feels so good in the feeling, for there are so many lights that are lit, triggers that are triggered and deep waters of understanding and feeling…Go deep.  Experience it all.  You already know it is YOU and when the time is right you will move on from the dream.  There is nothing wrong with you!  This is an experience you chose to create into a dense reality to experience it on a different level.  Live it fully and receive all of it.  It is your creation.  Your Art Form Showing itself so it can be experienced on different levels.  Enjoy!  Enjoy! Enjoy!

What if?

What if today you decided to look at something from a different perspective. Relaxing your ego/brain that wants to tell you all about it from previous experiences, rather instead you allow in new sensations. That opening to the new is moving your energy frequency and embracing a new experience to unfold. When we continue to hold ourselves in a pattern of how we believe our world is…then we will continue be held in a pattern of the same experiences over and over. But Today, in this moment We choose to look beyond Belief of what was, into the unknown darkness…shining our light to see the path as we move into a brand new experience and leave behind that which serves us no longer. What If? Well, for me it opens up a brand new World and I am conciously choosing to experience this moment fully. Have a beautiful Day!


Choose to experience all the colours, every variation of the spectrum

Every vibration/everyfrequency/everything that you don’t yet understand but is felt/every physical sensation that can only be felt as you walk your Vision.  That is a Full life, a Book worth writing…

Choose living…living is fully sharing, giving and receiving, the full spectrum of all that we are creating and when we consciously are directing our experience we can embrace and integrate all as we move through…experiencing sensations that are completely new to us .  This connection that we have walked through the doorway to is amazing.  Remember it truly is about enjoying all the facetts of every moment, exploring and fulfilling every desire that is moving through us.  This is the excitement of the journey as when we reach the orgasm of one moment we give birth to a new moment as we fully embody the dream of the previous moment.  The beauty of creation as we evolve our lives choosing in each moment a new experience.  Congratulations! You have created all this Beauty for you to experience.  You are Brilliant!

Allow yourself to be MOVED


Do you see how powerful you are? In any given situation the way you respond can and will create an echo back to you! Everything! Once you can embrace this amazing power that is YOU and conciously integrate it into your way of Being…your whole world will shift in front of YOU! Are you Ready? And if you say this cannot be accomplished…You are exactly correct for You in this moment, until you choose differently to see another experience. I choose my own response. There are no wrong choices as it is about the creation of new experiences. Love to all and your Journey!!!

I love this quote by

This Moment is YOUR Life

Today, I am Grateful in this moment, for this moment is pregnant with new life. I can feel the beating heart of creation moving through me to find the entry point into the outside world that I walk in. What a gift! This Moment! This Manifestation! All of the seeds I am carrying are being born and showing themselves into a vision that is ready for Peace, Love, Joy and Community. This is the Vision that I focus on as My evolution continues. My rich inner world is finding a foothold and moving confidently into my outer world of a New Story, A new World, A new Life. Are you feeling the shifts taking place? Keep Breathing, Feel deeply into this Moment! This Moment is Life!!!

The Art of Receiving

When someone gives us the gift of a beautiful compliment or a smile or a kind word or any loving gesture take a minute to receive it fully to your heart. Give Gratitude “Thank you” and receive it with love in your heart. Our hearts beat stronger the more we fully receive. We have been taught … “It is better to give than receive” however i say “they are in the same moment for the giver and the receiver “for when the receiver, receives fully in their heart this gratitude is received by the giver also”. Give and Receive “It is NOT one or the other. For without Receiving, we have nothing to Give.” This is also self love and it is kind, unconditional, loving and caring and spills over to the other and we become one in the art of receiving.

The physical health of our hearts is enhanced by our fully receiving with Love.

Art by Gill Reckelsford Words by Yvonne

Stop Searching!

Stop Searching! Everything you need to know you already have…you just need to stop thinking it is outside of you, that someone else has the answers. This is where we have given our power away. Take your time, tune in and hear with all of your senses, yes those beyond the physical ones also, but start in the physical as that is what you were born into for this experience. Relax. You are not in a hurry for you are the energy of creation itself. You are remembering this NOW! What a blessed time as we release this story we have lived and embrace our true being. What are you Creating that is new? Where will our story lead? Breath deep and follow your Soul for it is all knowing and connected to EVERYTHING. Separation is part of the Old Story that is completed. Live, Love, BE

In this Moment of Newness!