There is no Rush…LIVE the MOMENT

When you Realize that the destination is the journey … and Now is the most important moment…it shifts everything and slows everything as I am no longer in a hurry to get somewhere rather I am breathing in deeply the experience of Now ❤ DIVINE

Life is about shifts, changes, experiences, trying new things, releasing what is no longer relevant. We grow in Innerstanding when we live life as an adventure, not outside of ourselves, rather through ourselves.

Love, Me

In the field of Possibities

In acceptance of this moment  I observe, choose and receive.  Life is right now.

Together we Create

Can you see this?  Can you Feel this?  Can you embody this?  Life is all about our individual experience and yet bringing it together for the greater good of all. We are an ever evolving experience of this density for this moment. We can open to receive the full experience and Flow with the expansion or we can tightly hold on to a density that will cause dis-ease and pain. Let Go and Float or Hold on in Fear! Free Will! I love the deliciousness of Life! I Love all that walk their own experience as we weave a beautiful Full Story and continue creating anew. Individual Experiences and yet We Are Creating Newness as a Whole Tribe with every breath and choice.

World Peace

The Heart of the Matter

Remember why you are here 

Remember what there is to love

Where is our focus?

When we bring it back to our heart in any moment of it wandering into old rerun stories , we find there is only peace, love, joy and harmony.  Our heart does not allow the stories in…only the mind thinks and worries with stress and makes judgements.

SuperMoon in Capricorn

Relax and Flow with this full moon. When we try to control our minds, emotions, anything in life we bring to life all of the things that we are trying to control in a confrontational way. Breath, Relax, Flow. Feel into where you want to let go of old stuck ways and accept where you are so you can move forward. Become conscious of where you try to control how things happen or how you feel or what others are to you in your life and simply let them be as they are. Acceptance is the movement of mind that opens up alternative ways of seeing things and connects to our Heart for a fuller experience. We are always shifting, growing, creating and when we flow we will experience everything in a completely new way. Holding on to old experiences or emotions holds our pain in place. Today, I open my view to full illumination of this amazing SuperMoon.


Emotions are temporary … Just keep breathing

In and out, slow it down with deeper breathes

Feel the breath move through your entire body

Be with your breath, slowly, moving with it until you feel the flow.

Keep Breathing … Keep Breathing … Keep Breathing

All is well, just Keep Breathing and Float. Moving into Flow

Life is all about the experience. The full experience is in the Breath/the moment

Feel the Breath, Feel the Moment, experience Everything

A Traditional Náhuatl Prayer

I found this Prayer that I had saved. I love the reminder. 💖

I release my parents from the feeling that they have failed with me.

I release my children from the need to make me proud, so that they can write their own ways, according to their hearts.

I release my partner from the obligation to make me feel complete. I lack nothing in myself.

I learn with all the beings that surround me through all time.

I thank my grandparents and ancestors who met so that today I breathe life. And I release them from the faults of the past and from the wishes they did not fulfill, aware that they did the best they could to resolve their situations, within the consciousness they had at that moment.

I honor them, I love them, and I recognize their innocence.

I bare my soul before their eyes and that is why they know that I do not hide or owe anything, more than being faithful to myself and my own existence walking with the wisdom of the heart.

I am aware that I am fulfilling my life project, free of visible and invisible family loyalties that may disturb my peace and my happiness, which are my greatest responsibilities.

I renounce the role of savior, of being the one who unites or who fulfills the expectations of others. And learning through LOVE, I bless my essence and my way of expressing, although there may be someone who cannot understand me.

I understand myself, because only I lived and experienced my story; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.

I respect and approve.

I honor the Divinity in me and in you.

We are free.

Soak it in

Soak in the silence of simply Being…Go deep inside…Feel the love your soul has for this amazing body you walk through this life in.  Soak all of this love in and spread that love everywhere … feel it and receive it.  Be Grateful in this moment for this physical body as it gifts you with so many beautiful experiences… they are gifts, for no one else receives the same experiences as you  Each Energy Signature is unique to ones experience. Just Breath…Breath and circulate your Divine Love in Silence. Honour the Beautiful Creation you are for in Gratitude and fully embracing this energy we continue to create Amazing experiences. Walk with me in Silence…Be in your heart…Feel the beauty in your heart.


Being in Gratitude for everyone and everything in your life … watch your vision expand and all the gifts appear.  We narrow our vision when we reject gratitude and become blind to the blessings all around us. Through Gratitude, without expectation of what things look, sound or feel like, things show up as if  by Magic.   Thank you Love Divine for opening my Sight to this Inner Gem Mine. In Gratitude our World Expands and becomes more than we can ever imagine. Gratitude is the Key. Say Yes to Life!