I am open and willing to receive, I am open and willing to receive, I am open and willing to receive.

I open up with Love, I open up with Love, I open up with Love.

I open up to Receive, I open up to Receive, I open up to Receive.

As I am Love, may you be love, As I receive may you receive. Reiki energy sent to all who Open and Receive

Thank you always from my heart to yours. More Power

Water Element

The water element is one of big feelings and imagination. Water signs are submerged in their surroundings, often sensing the hidden emotional reality…through water we can feel all the feelings around us, other people, animals, birds…the messages can be passed this way.  When you drink water, the magical water it tells you stories of all the trees that have drank from it, the fish that have swam through, the sky space that it has fallen through from the clouds of dreams that hold new stories from the other realms (like your dream realms or other dimensions  of space.  From the animals that also drink the same water as you as they pass through.  It connects all of us to the feelings so we can expand, become more than just this one human existence.

Holy Shift

Experience Water

Water is of the West in Circle Casting.

Water is known for emotions, fluidity, empathy, relationships, divination, sensitivity, intuition, and love.  Rose quartz is a stone used to support positive relationships, love, friendships, and familial bonds. For those reasons, you can use rose quartz to represent water. (I unfortunately do not know who took this photo, but whoever did, this is beautiful and I can feel the Water on so many levels through it. Thank you) We are experiencing the Water sign of Cancer until July 22nd. Will the waters overwelm or have we learned to Flow with the Water. Come up for Air, Breath deep, Float, Flow and feel the luxurious senses that are the experience of Water. Flow – Support – Experience

You Got This!

This Moment

Happy Solstice

Happy Solstice! A moment of Stillness to experience your solar plexus. Tune into your energy and feel. Messages are being received. Feel Held and Loved by your Soul.


Do you Believe?

What you Believe is what you see all around you?

What do you Believe?

This is your present Truth…How does it feel?

This Moment ***