The stories held in my memories are filled with the different dimentions/perceptions/angles/timelines of story that I have lived. When I see this, I can see my evolution through each center of my being as to how I respond, without suppression rather with intention to create harmony, peace, love and joy. I am free from the oppressive beliefs that became stagnate and those stories have told their tales, The End. This is what I have wanted my whole life to wander new lands/dimentions/perceptions/angles/timelines of a new story whose landscape has yet to be drawn but holds a new vibration/frequency of experiencing Freedom beyond Thought. Not just for me, for all creation! I call all Creators to be a vessel that moves with gnosis/knowing, as belief can become our prison, Gnosis, Knowing flows. Create with Abandon!
The waves of energy just keep running over me as I breath my way through the receiving. Everything is New and my body is humming with vitality. The message came so clear! Everything has always been here for you! Nothing is lacking! All I have to do is open my whole system & receive. I recall the moment I closed some doors & spoke “ I feel overwhelmed to receive it all at once. So I broke everything down into smaller portions as I experienced everything, bit by bit. Now the energies are moving me to expand beyond so that I am fully realized and that everything all at once is no longer overwhelming. I Receive! I Receive, I Receive. Feel the Fullness, The Love and the Ultimate Joy! In Deep Gratitude I Ground my Joy, nourishing my whole world.
In any moment when you are fully committed to being present and the noise inside your mind is fully quiet. In this silence you understand the beautiful empty canvas that is awaiting you. Silence the Noise, the Narrative, feel your blank canvas calling you. You cannot access it fully when your mind is busy telling old tales and narratingg the reruns so your mind cannot run freely and play in the open field of possibilities. So seek the quiet, the silence, the zero point and flow into Creation! You are the Artist, The Creator of Your World.
Have you ever asked a plant you are working with in the garden to receive you so you can clean it? You might be surprised when the plant acknowledges and receives this blessing from you as it opens it arms for you to clean easier without any damage to the plant itself. This is an insight from my many years feeding, nuturing, loving and assisting in the health of medicine plants and other food plants along the way. It feels amazing as plants open and then guide me in the most loving way to help them perform at their highest level. It is with love you feel them hold you or as you greet them their leaves or branches or blooms will wiggle in delight. I have watched them dance at sunrise and sunset and joined in. Let’s work together with everything, rather than forcing our ways. See the divinity and that everything wants to work with us in our world. We will find the communication in the silence where Love & Compassion exist. Then we work together creating networks that feed, nuture and care for our whole world.
There are no worries, no anxiety, no stories that have been told over and over on the other side of Fear! When you finally lift your head in defiance of what was and Walk right through the fear! This is why it is so important to forgive and let go of the story. Always the same theme, different players & settings/ tests are teasers you can see a mile away when you begin to walk into the fear. Don’t try to avoid the experience for these are treasures and tools for future adventures. So Choose to Surrender to the New that shows as Fear/A Portal into The Unknown. The Old Story keeps begging you back as it tests your new found strength and knowing. Just Smile and keep walking forward. How you react is what doors you open into the new, so with awareness choose wisely on the other side of Fear. For the Fear you passed through can hold you no more, You are expanding and giving birth to new landscapes, new sensations, new energy systems, upgrading everything you once knew. Enter as a Babe and feed on the New with the innocence of a child. You have Nothing to lose except Fear and Everything to Gain.
We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Go for the highest frequency and breath with it until it feels natural. Keep your eyes on what your heart desires. Your Breath will bring the alignment as you continue to feel the frequencies beyond the limits of what was. Choose to feel differently than you ever have. You have nothing to lose. You have Everything to Gain! Hold your Frequency!
We are all experiencing the “New” happening all around us. However as to our beliefs, our perspective and our free will choice, we will be experiencing differently. That is the beauty of our Collective that has chosen to move forward with the human physical being and explore energy fully embodied in this form. We are Not a solid matter, as our bodies are infinite numbers of cells in constant motion. So when we receive energetic upgrades, relax (this is how a cat can fall from a great height and live), yes relax and feel the waves move through you, expanding this physical container with all the wonders of Frequency, energy and vibration. When you choose to resist you are creating pain as the energies are strong moving us into a new Age of Creation! Matter already exists, we are expanding beyond. As we expand and because each of us have a different belief, perspective and choice we make, it is a gift to one another to share and experience in a new collective way, adding our Creation from our Hearts. Life is always shift and change, I’m choosing to ride the wave(moving into new experiences) rather than being pulled down by quicksand(old programs that are corrupt and need to be deleted) How are you doing my friend? Breath and Relax! Everything will be okay, when you live true to YOU! Feel how you would be happy in your heart with this change, bring this feeling to your mind, so when the shifts are happening this is the direction you can experience the New, the shift of perspective and belief. If you wish to experience differently, you must feel, think and hold space for the different. These shifts & changes have always been happening, We are now participating with full awareness, this is the gift of Creation Evolving.
The Idea is to live Every Spectrum of every moment fully by embracing the One Full Moment. In choosing to experience all of it (rather than with limited sight) we become one with every timeline, dimension, fractal, everything all at once, in this full moment. Rather than cutting off the experience where there is fear, we choose to move through what isn’t known and open our sight to something new. Feel fully Every Moment, there is so much more to this life in the Present moment. Instead of going down one rabbit hole at a time, one Story, however you see it, we are experiencing all spectrums of feeling the full story, all at once. When we have centered ourselves in Love and in relationship to ourselves, the experience has no wholes as every spectrum is complete and the experience then is so much richer, fuller, deeper and inspiring, thus birthing co-creation (with all the spectrums of self)
Wowzer the Winds of Shift are hitting hard this first day of March 2024. Feeling a little seasick as I am being blown through every dimention and every timeline and can never seem to find what I am looking for (What I think I need) Cleaned the bathroom and doing laundry trying to keep myself present and then I am swept off by the energies. I am feeling my grounding Wire deeply embeded, so I don’t get lost(It is being tested) So grateful! For every one of these moments, timelines, dimentions of sensation. Sharing this for any that experiencing similar experiences. We are not going crazy! We are experiencing Everything in one moment and it can knock you on your butt. Get back up! I got this, You got this, We got this.
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