Saturday thoughts

Every cell of our being is created by our experiences…When we are holding on tightly to a painful experience, we are creating a current that will be felt in the physical body, and over time can grow and infect other experiences in the body as the mind takes over and creates new painful stories that expand beyond the original painful experience..  Do you understand this?  In this Moment we can uncreate our own pain, simply by the way we view, feel and move through our experiences.  We can relieve the inflammation by loving ourselves through the process,  so the energy can reconnect in a positive, healthy way and communicate this to the rest of the experiences that make up our physical being.

You are doing wonderfilled things!!!

Keep Going ~

Friday Wisdom

Remember who you are…Breath in and release your minds hold on you, just for now. Allow your Breath to take you to the Quiet of your Heart Chamber.

Bring your Focus to the silent comfort of your Heart

When we bring our focus to our heart in any moment, releasing the wanderings through the old reruns of the mind, we find there is only peace, love, joy, harmony…our safe place.  Our heart does not allow the stories in…only the mind thinks, worries. stresses and makes judgements. Allow your Heart to relax your mind with Love so it may release the anxiety that it holds. These are past and future worries and have no place in the present. For right here, right now, I Am. I am Love, I am Peace, I am Joy and I am Creating this moment in the image of these. A’jo

Soul Purpose

Peace & Love

World Peace

Soul Snip-its

This is written from my experiences, my intuition and spirit guidance.  Ever Since I was a child I always asked for the truth to be shown to me.  This is my truth at this moment, but as we are ever changing and evolving I am open to receive the new, my soul freely experiencing all of the realms of existence.

  Man is constantly searching for ways to escape this physical reality to start Fresh and Create a New World…and Yet the World we Wish for is in reality an exploration of our Inner World. Everything is as it is…A fantastical journey … To Infinity and beyond. Our internal experiences sit in the darkness and we bring them to light and life daily as we open our eyes to our world we create each day. We are not humans having a spiritual experience, but rather, we are Energy, Spiritual beings experiencing density through this Human experience of so many senses to explore.  We are eternal beings exploring the unknown and returning our findings to Source. How Rich! This gives a zest to life when we can begin truly experiencing from awareness rather than being thrown around by the unknown.

Close your eyes and fully feel the darkness…experience the silence within and just be. no thoughts, feel the nothingness. When I open my eyes, light floods the darkness and uncovers what I have have held in the darkness. Time to uncover my truth! How about you? Are you ready?

Tuesday Wisdom

Have a Beautiful Monday
