This is written from my experiences, my intuition and spirit guidance. Ever Since I was a child I always asked for the truth to be shown to me. This is my truth at this moment, but as we are ever changing and evolving I am open to receive the new, my soul freely experiencing all of the realms of existence.
Man is constantly searching for ways to escape this physical reality to start Fresh and Create a New World…and Yet the World we Wish for is in reality an exploration of our Inner World. Everything is as it is…A fantastical journey … To Infinity and beyond. Our internal experiences sit in the darkness and we bring them to light and life daily as we open our eyes to our world we create each day. We are not humans having a spiritual experience, but rather, we are Energy, Spiritual beings experiencing density through this Human experience of so many senses to explore. We are eternal beings exploring the unknown and returning our findings to Source. How Rich! This gives a zest to life when we can begin truly experiencing from awareness rather than being thrown around by the unknown.
Close your eyes and fully feel the darkness…experience the silence within and just be. no thoughts, feel the nothingness. When I open my eyes, light floods the darkness and uncovers what I have have held in the darkness. Time to uncover my truth! How about you? Are you ready?
There is healing happening within you…trust the process, but more importantly trust yourself.
Soak in the silence of simply Being…Go deep inside…Feel the love your soul has for this amazing body you walk in this life in. Soak all of this love in and spread that love everywhere … feel it and receive it. Be Grateful in that moment for this physical body as it gifts you with so many beautiful experiences… they are gifts, for no one else receives the same experiences as you Just Breath…Breath and circulate the Love in Silence.
Awareness and shifting from an old Karmic loop. When we become aware of our patterns we are beginning and then we can choose to react differently, thus breaking the loop. an example of a mundane habit like smoking…when you realize you want to change this habit, the first thing you can do is re-arrange things in your life so it breaks the habit of your actions of when you would smoke. The same with how we interact with our world. Shift the thought when your awareness brings you to a way of thinking that no longer feels good…thus a link in the chain is broken. For me, I hold myself accountable to my heart. What feels good and what doesn’t feel good. Then I have also set up an accountability partner so that we can keep each other in awareness and can talk each other through. This I have found to be an amazing tool. The key for shifting any storyline is moving from our mind only (reruns of the past) and bringing our attention to how our heart feels and then listen to our intuition(spirits guidance)…when we do this our life becomes more balanced as we are not reacting to things from past traumas and pain rather we are present in this moment of what our heart feels and what spirit is guiding us to in this moment.
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