
Saturday Saturnday

There is healing happening within you…trust the process, but more importantly trust yourself.

Question Everything

Every Moment is Sacred

Soak in the silence of simply Being…Go deep inside…Feel the love your soul has for this amazing body you walk in this life in.  Soak all of this love in and spread that love everywhere … feel it and receive it.  Be Grateful in that moment for this physical body as it gifts you with so many beautiful experiences… they are gifts, for no one else receives the same experiences as you  Just Breath…Breath and circulate the Love in Silence.

Attune to Your Soul

Exit the Loop

Awareness and shifting from an old Karmic loop.  When we become aware of our patterns we are beginning and then we can choose to react differently, thus breaking the loop.  an example of a mundane habit like smoking…when you realize you want to change this habit, the first thing you can do is re-arrange things in your life so it breaks the habit of your actions of when you would smoke. The same with how we interact with our world.  Shift the thought when your awareness brings you to a way of thinking that no longer feels good…thus a link in the chain is broken. For me, I hold myself accountable to my heart.  What feels good and what doesn’t feel good.  Then I have also set up an accountability partner so that we can keep each other in awareness and can talk each other through.  This I have found to be an amazing tool.  The key for shifting any storyline is moving from our mind only (reruns of the past) and bringing our attention to how our heart feels and then listen to our intuition(spirits guidance)…when we do this our life becomes more balanced as we are not reacting to things from past traumas and pain rather we are present in this moment of what our heart feels and what spirit is guiding us to in this moment.

Be Brave

Inside Insight

Letś look in my mirror together,

To see what we might see.

Take with you just what you need,

Leave behind what belongs to me


Oh Wise one you search my soul,

Finding all the hidden places,

Where stories have told their tales,

And since then changed their faces.


Be in Gratitude for everyone and everything in your life and watch your vision expand and all the gifts appear.  We narrow our vision when we reject gratitude and become blind to the blessings all around us. When we live in Gratitude, With no expectation of what things may look, sound or feel like, things show up as if  by Magic.   Thank you Love Divine for opening my Sight to this Inner Gem Mine.