The Idea is to live Every Spectrum of every moment fully by embracing the One Full Moment. In choosing to experience all of it (rather than with limited sight) we become one with every timeline, dimension, fractal, everything all at once, in this full moment. Rather than cutting off the experience where there is fear, we choose to move through what isn’t known and open our sight to something new. Feel fully Every Moment, there is so much more to this life in the Present moment. Instead of going down one rabbit hole at a time, one Story, however you see it, we are experiencing all spectrums of feeling the full story, all at once. When we have centered ourselves in Love and in relationship to ourselves, the experience has no wholes as every spectrum is complete and the experience then is so much richer, fuller, deeper and inspiring, thus birthing co-creation (with all the spectrums of self)
Wowzer the Winds of Shift are hitting hard this first day of March 2024. Feeling a little seasick as I am being blown through every dimention and every timeline and can never seem to find what I am looking for (What I think I need) Cleaned the bathroom and doing laundry trying to keep myself present and then I am swept off by the energies. I am feeling my grounding Wire deeply embeded, so I don’t get lost(It is being tested) So grateful! For every one of these moments, timelines, dimentions of sensation. Sharing this for any that experiencing similar experiences. We are not going crazy! We are experiencing Everything in one moment and it can knock you on your butt. Get back up! I got this, You got this, We got this.
The Reason Why there is a Beginning and an ending to This Grand Story we are living is because it was never about the destination … It has always been about the journey. The Journey through every conceivable way possible. Free will to live and play out this amazing existence. Imagine that! And Now We have come to the End! Time to put away this Book of Stories and Take our fabulous experiences into an expanded vision…We are moving into a New Story with New dimentions, New Scenses, everything is New so we can bring light, colour and vibration to this New! We are building and creating. What wisdom will we move forward with from the realm of Polarity/duality? Hmmm Things to consider.
Sooooo… I got thinking the other day about Crows & that we place Scare Crows in fields of Corn to protect the Corn. Well, I just wanted to make the Crow’s that share food & gifts with me daily some special full moon celebration cakes, so I made them organic corn & flaxseed muffins! I put some out yesterday and the regulars grabbed them all up quickly. They left the small crumbs as the tiny birds fill my yard to clean up left over from the Crow. Today they showed up with a murder of crows, so cakes all around for all the birds, shrew, rats, raccoons, whomever wants to celebrate This amazing Full Moon! Intense, but the sensation when you run it through is electrifying and now I want MORE! The lightness of releasing more of the boundaries I had set, but forgot to let go of. Old dams that are holding back the flow are released. No Words, just the feeling! The nature around me celebrates and is me in that moment as we chatted, shared cakes and laughed about the twists and turns that brought us here.
Whatever you do, say or act out in the physical, do it with integrity to yourself? What shows up on the outside is a mirror reflection back to you of YOU! Be true to YOU Always and not only YOU, but All will Prosper.
All the Stories you hear, read or scroll through are Rabbit Holes for you to fall into and explore if you choose to. What you believe deeply is what you will find. The Queen of Hearts screams “Off with their Heads” or Turn off your Mind that is creating low frequency stories from old reruns held in place by Ego. We are finished with that! There is new space to be explored. Drop in … feel it, feel it some more and more and more as you explore your Hearts desires guided by the support from your Mind, Body, Spirit and beyond. Diving deep into New Creation! See you on the other side.
Remember, It is just a story … In the Beginning. When you stop the story it is “The End” It has been prophesized over and over again, in every different dimention and timeline. There is a Beginning and an Ending! Everything in the middle has been a matter of how we wished to weave our story. We have lived it in every which way as we have lived this Pisces Theme over and over. So We are at the End once more. I am excited to Exit, say hello to new Characters and new themes, new beginnings and creating the story in between. How about YOU? When we truly feel an ending, in that moment we can return the Book back to the Library and Move into a whole new section of Mystery Stories not yet Told. The feeling of the new theme is overlapping as we release the old story. Aquarius breaks new ground and we need New beginnings for this fresh perspective. Let’s be surprised … end & Begin!
Leave the energy of your day in a puddle on the floor that is cleaned up every night. Begin your new day with the dreams that fill your nightscape with new beginnings, bright colours, bubbles of joy filling the air or deep adventures into spaces unknown (whatever you choose conciously) Leave the energy of each experience in a puddle at the end of each moment so that every moment is born anew. Roll like a Stone and gather no moss, just amazing moments, amazing adventures, new creations in the moment of NOW
You may not be seeing your New Tribe Yet! They are right infront of your eyes…Release any expectations from old reruns and open your eyes to New. Your New Tribe may not look like you! That is the point. Enjoy the Dance into Frequency, sound & light! Recognize your New Tribe in a New Way!
Be so patient with your physical body at this time. We must understand that as we are clearing beliefs and other stories, thoughts and feelings that are toxic to our inner environment, our physical body also must detoxify of all the mucus pockets where toxic waste has built up from these beliefs, stories, thoughts and feelings. Reflections! (Inner/Outer) Do you now see how powerful you are? So Breath in the Word (Spell) of Life, Drink lots of water, listen to your body, ground to the physical earth and rest when you feel it. Release from anything or anyone who holds power over any part of your energy. This is important as our Bodies need time to physically Heal and catch up with our Energy Beings. We have been receiving so many upgrades, downloads, energies we have not experienced through our physical body until now and so much needs to be integrated, if we wish to continue walking in this physical body. We have chosen this Experience and Wowzer what a wild ride. So Breath, Hold yourself with Love and Gratitude and bring into your world what supports and loves you as you are…an ever evolving Being in strange inbetween stages of growth where we can be a bit awkward. We have only the energies to rely on and we are remembering how to read and communicate through energy. Soon enough as we clear old stories, the new vision begins to open new Sight. A Whole New World! Love Yourself Into the New World!
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