Sit with your Heart light

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Stop looking back!  Do you get it?  This is confusing as you are looking at the 3D as if it should be shifting!  Those are your expectations from 3D thought.  Now Breath, Find your Center again and Ground deeply! You must get acclimated to your new world, you cannot see it until you believe and you can’t believe until you feel, but first you must love yourself enough to begin the new journey.  So Please Stop looking back and frustrating yourself.  Breath, Sit in the Dark with your heart light and learn to believe in something you have not experienced in such awareness.    Then you See and begin a new experience in full colour, frequency,  physically and beyond to who knows.  The Realm of all possibilities awaits our exploration.  I’ll meet you there.

In Awareness

In the Awareness of Choosing to respond Differently, I am liberated, I am Reborn. In continued Awareness and Choosing to respond differently, I Evolve into New Awareness. What a Dance this Realm of All Possibilities is!

Dance with your Breath

That Moment when everything fell into place so quickly that it took your breath away…focus on your breath, reconnect to the alignment and continue breathing love into your life blood. You are adjusting to unfamiliar energies moving through because you are creating something New. Focus. Your Heartbeat and Your Breath Will keep creating a new dance with life. One we have not experienced as we are exploring New Realms. You know you are in the Groove when the dance takes your breath away! Enjoy the feeling as it moves through you and Breath

In this Moment!

I was busy last night, working together with all who are aligned as we are lighting up a new world to explore. I don’t want to know what lays ahead, so I choose to not know all the details at this time. I just carry the feeling of an intriguing, delightful, serious, loving & joyful experience as we unfold before ourselves. I feel the precipice and I am ready to step off into a New Journey. In this Moment I am Alive!


Dreams have brought created very pivitol movements in my life. When I release them from my dreamstate into my awareness they become living, walking, life. As I listen to my dreams, they whisper, set yourself free. What are your dreams sharing with you?

Eye (I) Sight

I had Shattered sight (Astigmatism), and it was not getting worse and sometimes getting better. Since 2020 It has been steadily declining~Until today! Today I found my Focus and I breath life into a new focused vision. I don’t have to be everything all at once. I can be Nothing in an instant and time no longer exists, so the dance is slow and sweet. The shattered Glass that was blurring my vision was inviting me in deeper & deeper to connect to my true vision. This is held in the Most Sacred, Holy of Holies. Where left/right and everything else on the spectrum is brought together in unison. Third Eye! Those who dare enter, choose to with joy rather than fear, for the brightness of the light burns away all darkness for one to enter and receive the Gift.

Let your secretary free!

Your mind is a record keeper of your experiences. Release the control of Ego running you through old emotions felt in previous experiences ( Truly only wanting to protect you) Release the Control and let your mind be free to do it’s job, record, not retell. Truth be told, the more a story is retold, the more it changes and becomes a lie. Truth is in the moment. Your Ego stepped in the more you chose to re-experience, trying to protect, but in the process got stuck in the experiences. Your heart has been pumping new life to your brain all of your life, sending messages of Love. Our Minds were so overloaded replaying all reruns that it got stuck in a loop and needs your participation to set it free. In this moment hear the messages from your heart, through the voice of your Lifeblood and set yourself Free. I let my secretary free and when I did, I could ~ just Be. Creation Experiences Move to a different level. When you’re Ready!

No Mind!

Everything that you know as truth “now”, is only for this “now moment”. Empty your mind so there is space to receive for your next moment. No Mind. Move in this way to avoid the loop. Each new drop of truth continues to propel inner and outward movement. Anything that is important is always available at the appropriate moment. Trust your inner knowing guidance system. Old thoughts become poison that you drink when you allow them free reign to create stories of your Now. Walk every moment with an Open Free mind and drink from the fresh Springs that are flowing with life.

You are going to be better than okay!

I know, It is so Sad, But it is crumbling, it cannot sustain itself.  So Feel it, That deep, deep sadness, go all the way when you are ready & let yourself fall. Grieve, Feel everything and let it out.  Cry, Bath, Work in the Dirt, water plants, Walk, Dance, Swim, be physical &  Move it through your Body.  Let it Be.  History has been told.  There are New Worlds to explore.

Well Played!

When you realize that every single reaction from every single person, on every single timeline and dimention of your being was exactly how you chose to see it for your own evolution, which shifted every single reaction from every single person, on every single timeline and dimention of your being. I giggle to myself and say “Well Played (for every version)”