Love is and has always been the Answer

Being spiritual, Being Love, does not equal Martyrdom, victimhood or being a doormat. Please think on this: To Believe Any Teaching that takes you out of your amazing God given Power and teaches you that you must be Love only to others while denying yourself is you giving your power away. Find Yourself and See the Amazing Being that You are. You are the Image of God! Why would God want you to diminish who you are, for that Reflects on your God. Is your God Powerful or Weak? The Great Teacher’s walked in their God power that is why they could perform miracles and teach with conviction the gifts of life and of being. The portrayal of any as weak is a story for you to think this is righteous and the way to God, yet this way holds your energy to a very low level and you are tired as you cannot replenish yourself enough to live in a healthy way. Go inside to your inner most holy of holies and meet your God Self there. Humble does not mean giving our power away ~ It is simply not Using our mind to control a situation, rather surrendering to our heart, the seat of true Power. Love is and has always been the answer. Love Who You Are and you will Shine and be a reflection of Love to All.

New You from the Inside OUT!

Happy First New Moon of 2024

I love this particular time in Our World! A time of New Exploration! I chose a Word (from my heart) that describes the feeling I wish to feel as I move into the unknown. This word is my protection shield, but also my motivation. As old shows it’s face it will shield me from going into old patterns and will motivate me into creating New. I am Grateful for 2024, for all the reflections of me showing my new self and for a whole new world opening up before me. There is much to come as we transition from old to new but we have prepared our way, we have the tools and if you feel you lost them, come home to you, you hold them all inside. Happy New Moon! I Love Everyone Of Me! You! We are One!

Everthing you Need

Just know that you are building the New World as you move forward in a New Direction of Being. There is no one to tell you what to do or even what the world looks like, as you are the visionary. Sit with this energy until you feel the wisper of your heart flowing lifes energy through you into Creation of your new world. We are preparing our bodies as the energies of this Creation are different than what our bodies are used to. (you don’t have to have all of the details, but feel deeply into how you want your world to feel and hold that feeling as you create). Then Know that you have already filled it with all of the Things and Tools, Everything that you need and desire. Close your Eyes, Open your Site and Breath in your new Life… Your Heart will guide you! It is so Connected!

I love YOU!

I came here to bring endings and feel into being, New beginnings as I become proficient in mastering through organization and giving my emotions their Authority. My New Sun beams The Magic of the Unknown being unfolded, as I master balancing from the depths, the Dreams I love. I came here to learn beginnings of receiving guardianship of my home & family through mutual affection and unconditional care and activated by Love connected to my heart (The Bull and the Lion at peace) I Manifest because I Believe in Both the Bull and the Lion as my sun casts light on my Manifestations that all the parts/colours/vibrations, have created by joining together in my Heart and igniting my world with Love. I share this as an exercise of this moment to check in with oneself. It is interesting and I learn so much. Every moment is a new experience, may we fully embrace the new, live it, own it and release it. The energy of Life is a Breath. Breath deeply and experience it fully, short breaths are only the tip of the iceburg. I love you! Yvonne

Enjoy the Views!

Don’t Try to Hold your world together. As it falls away, release it with the emotion that you felt holding it together. Breath in the fullness of the experience and breath out the codependency…You can walk into the future on your own. Don’t Hold your breath, Release it so you can breath in the new experience and have the space to receive new. Life has never been about standing still. You will experience this over and over again. Relax into it and enjoy the views (There are Many).

Change my Mind

The moment I challenged myself to see every situation (the Blissful, Joyful and the Not so Happy/ painful) in my day as being an opportunity, to learn, to open my sight to a broader view and every person to be there to assist me to learn and open my sight to a broader view is the Moment my life Changed. My World keeps getting bigger and brighter. This is Freedom~Change My Mind!

Feel into Knowing

When you walk into the next room and you can’t remember what you came through this door for.  Feel the feeling you had when you came to the room and you will know, not only that, you will also be able to feel the energy of the room and know if this is the room you were looking for.  Let your Mind record your adventures, let your feelings and heart keep you in flow and your soul will guide you where your wishes will be fulfilled.  Let’s release the fractured sight to the past.  Feel and Know 

Hide and Seek

Playing with ourselves a game of hide and seek. We have continually shown ourselves glimpses of a better life and yet what felt blissful for a moment we let go of and forged into the darkness, once again. The only way to the blissful is through the unknown. We can travel with others. They are the ones that See you and are forging into the unkown as well. This is a precious heart connected gift of Love and Compassion as you move into shades of grays to the spectrums of black. You Move through in a receiving mode as you are more connected to handle the load. This is the beauty of our new world if this is your choice. Letting Go of Hide and Seek…We found and together we receive.

artist unknown

Let’s Play together

Ego wants to hold you to old thoughts when, someone asks a question and Ego/mind has to know the right answer for everyone. You see, I can’t know for you and you can’t know for me. Each one of us have our own experiences and litterally, I ask myself the question…”Does it really matter if I am right for everyone?” For me to hold onto only my thoughts as right takes aways any possibility of new experiences. You see we can’t move forward if we are still holding ourselves in the pattern of EGO/MIND “I’m right and you are left (wrong)” . This is separation thought. So I asked my Heart to weigh in and I learned to love all of the thoughts and ideas, feeling into this present moment an experience and moving into another as I open to a new thought, idea, colour, frequency. However you wish to experience your journey is up to you, together we support by sharing our unique perspective that colours in a portion of life in a new way. Let’s Play together, we have so much to share.