Change my Mind

The moment I challenged myself to see every situation (the Blissful, Joyful and the Not so Happy/ painful) in my day as being an opportunity, to learn, to open my sight to a broader view and every person to be there to assist me to learn and open my sight to a broader view is the Moment my life Changed. My World keeps getting bigger and brighter. This is Freedom~Change My Mind!

Feel into Knowing

When you walk into the next room and you can’t remember what you came through this door for.  Feel the feeling you had when you came to the room and you will know, not only that, you will also be able to feel the energy of the room and know if this is the room you were looking for.  Let your Mind record your adventures, let your feelings and heart keep you in flow and your soul will guide you where your wishes will be fulfilled.  Let’s release the fractured sight to the past.  Feel and Know 

Hide and Seek

Playing with ourselves a game of hide and seek. We have continually shown ourselves glimpses of a better life and yet what felt blissful for a moment we let go of and forged into the darkness, once again. The only way to the blissful is through the unknown. We can travel with others. They are the ones that See you and are forging into the unkown as well. This is a precious heart connected gift of Love and Compassion as you move into shades of grays to the spectrums of black. You Move through in a receiving mode as you are more connected to handle the load. This is the beauty of our new world if this is your choice. Letting Go of Hide and Seek…We found and together we receive.

artist unknown

Let’s Play together

Ego wants to hold you to old thoughts when, someone asks a question and Ego/mind has to know the right answer for everyone. You see, I can’t know for you and you can’t know for me. Each one of us have our own experiences and litterally, I ask myself the question…”Does it really matter if I am right for everyone?” For me to hold onto only my thoughts as right takes aways any possibility of new experiences. You see we can’t move forward if we are still holding ourselves in the pattern of EGO/MIND “I’m right and you are left (wrong)” . This is separation thought. So I asked my Heart to weigh in and I learned to love all of the thoughts and ideas, feeling into this present moment an experience and moving into another as I open to a new thought, idea, colour, frequency. However you wish to experience your journey is up to you, together we support by sharing our unique perspective that colours in a portion of life in a new way. Let’s Play together, we have so much to share.

Into the silence

Here we are moving into the depths of Winter for those who live in the same world. Winter is a time to go inside, build your fire and hold yourself in love for the harsh winds and coldness to pass, while your inner world rejeuvenates in preparation for the Sun’s Return. It is time … time to let the stories go, No Mind. No matter what the narrator in your head says it is only speaking from the past experience, for it is a keeper of the records, putting them in order to be called forth as memories or patterns of how things should work out (experiments A-Z). So open your eyes to your outer world as an exercise and be with your surroundings, feeling and receiving everything, yet with out a narrative, simply experiencing. I have to say it takes practice but is such powerful magic when you experience everything at once, flowing through, no story just musical notes, frequencies, flowing. Now that is orgasmic. It is time to go into the inner most sacred and receive pleasures beyond your imagination. Go into the Silence … if you dare.

Message received January 2,, 2024 @10:24 am

Happy New You!

All of the different timelines may seem chaotic right now as the passing of a year is calculated differently all over the Globe of Humankind. So whenever you choose to celebrate the Ending of a story is up to you! But My Wish for YOU is that When you Celebrate the ending of the story of 2023, That you receive closure and pack away to the trash bin all the things, people, places and energy that Belong to the Old YOU. For the story of 2024 is Brand NEW and has not been lived by you before. The resolution would be to leave 2023 where it is in his story ~ open the curtains to a whole new You! and Create a Whole New World! We have been practicing Letting Go for a while. Let’s take the Leap into a New YOU! Happy New YOU 2024!

However YOU Show UP New ~ IS Up to YOU!


Every time I share my soul snip-its I pass through a portal of understanding, just as you have each time you see yourself through to a new understanding. In the moment I share with you, I release the snip-it that no longer serves my soul as it is in my past as I move through the portal. If this resonates with you, you now see with new eyes the art of letting go. I am onto new soul pastures that carry different frequencies and so these snip-its are my gift to everyone who wishes to receive as I move into new territory and receive the snip-its as guidance from those who have walked before me. To jump through the portal prematurely leaves holes of missed understandings and therefore the dream falls apart, the portal is an illusion. The steps moment by moment in authenticity will fill you so full that you are bursting with light for all who wish to receive and are walking with you, even if you can’t see them physically, they are there. This journey is the amazing experience that I Love, as it engages every part of me and brings everything to balance. As I move through the portal into the next journey, there is the firey challenge until I am ready to release, let go of the Snip-it that no longer nourishes our Soul. For me this is When I say Thank you, embrace the full experience with love and walk through the portal to begin Anew. If You wish~ this Snip- it is for you! See you in New Realms of Knowing!

For those looking for some steps to follow, I highly recommend Christopher Witecki has been gifted a Step system and shares it with all who wish to receive. FB sirius joy club is open for all who wish to join. This is an offering from my heart not a paid advertisement. With Love, Yvonne

Wake up to Now

Do You Believe?

No one can fortell your future unless you believe what they say! Do you feel this? The News, Media, Anything outside you that tells you how things will be in your life, are spewing reruns with new twists. If you are still holding fear around past events, these can show up as what you believe, you see. You manifest from what you feel, your frequency. What you decide to take to heart and believe in is what becomes your reality. Every journey comes with different nuances and the more we release our mind from the old patterns, new stories emerge. Yes, you are that powerful. Can you imagine all of our powerful minds coming together having released the old World Story that we chose to live. We came for this! This is Zero Point and I am Glad I am here. I am grateful You are here. Individually we believe differently, but together we have let go of the old story. Out of this, Together we can create Unique ways of moving forward and creating a New World View. I believe in YOU! I believe in ME! Do you Believe you have the Power? Zero Point! This is OUR TIME, The Old Version no longer exists.


artist unknown