It’s a New Dawn

Notice Today the Heaviness and density of People, Places, things, any and every part of this Density that we have been clearing from our field. Our lightness is releasing all of it, Cough it out, all of the ash that is Left as you have walked through the fire of purification. We are the Chosen. We Chose this New Dawn and the Heaviness cannot pass through the Veil! It is okay, feel sad if you wish, but allow your Heart to carry you to a new Love, and you will feel all the Heavy Dense Vibrations move in different directions of Frequency for them. We attract what we are and We are So!!! Brand New! New frequency, New Lightness, New Senses, New Mind to be created… Let’s Play! It’s a New Dawn!

Dancing with my Soul

When I receive a download my mind steps aside and the flow is through my room I created filled with all of the tools of perception as I receive them… But the feeling is so Amazing, Like a symphony of breezes and everything that floats in the space, like water that flows gently bubbling, gurgling, laughing out to open spaces, I have yet to explore.  Like the symphony of all the mycelium and roots that carry electrical messages from the Earth to ground me and from the fire in my heart that burns so bright, every sound is perfection to my soul for it is the message I chose to receive at this time and my soul is delighting and dancing in the receiving energy.  I Receive

Divine You

To acknowledge who we really are, the magnificence of our beings, our connection to Divine amazingness…This is Truth, Light and Divine Connection. The old story that is dying, was a program to keep us separate from our true Glory. Congratulations to every single small step we all have taken to be here today and to uncover the Power and the Gifts and all of our Glory. We are From the Light why should we accept anything less. This is not Ego, this is who I am, You are and we all are. Now let’s get going…we are creating New and everyone of our fabulous gifts are being brought forth so we can move into this next Experience of God!

Art by Jake Hogan (This is the original from a dream I had) Magical Story!

December 5, 2023

Drop the Expectations

When we are spending time with our Mind, Heart and Soul…Be there whole heartedly. If your mind tells you that it wants this or that brought to reality, as in material possessions or things, please check in with your heart and soul. Are we really trying to manipulate reality through our 3d thinking/stories masked as spiritual ascension ? The feeling for me is about upgrading my energy frequency, bringing Love to everything I am. To be a Light powered by Love! The amazing thing is: This is what shifts my outer world! But also be aware that what may show up is not always exactly what you think, as it has been made new from the transformation of your heart, soul, 5d mind and physical, healing. We cannot envision the amazing power of our choices and our Love until it presents in our outer world displaying the Richness of Our Inner World. We are such amazing creators. Live and Love for this reason only and your Outer World will show itself beyond anything you could ever dream up. We have been limited in our thinking and understanding…Wait for it … We are Opening to such an amazing knowingness of What truly is and Yes! Dreams do Come True…Keep creating Love and Dreams through all the beauty of our shifting physical being. The amazing part for me is the transformation of small 3D mind when it is expanded by Heart, Soul and the Crystaline body. Wishes and Desires become So much more profound and rich. We are moving into Areas of Creation that are waiting to be coloured by all of our Perspectives and Love. Drop the Expectations and be Amazed! See you there IN THE FIELD OF ALL POSSIBILITIES! Live, Love and BE ~*-*~

photo from FB

Let your Mind Rest

Trust The Flow ❤ Sit in the Flow and Feel it through your Heart…let your mind rest today. It is tired as there has been so much work on de-fragging of the old files, installing it into the library and opening to new areas of exploration. Surrender to your Heart and send love to every part of your being, you don’t have to force anything, just stay in your heart with love and trust. In this moment I Trust the Flow because my heart has always wished for this MOMENT…Tides are turning and we are the flow

(artist unknown)

Listen to your Heart

The beauty is we all bring different colours to living, different vibrations of creation and when we open to this understanding we create together and it is amazing. When we release the limits of our mind and let go of old ideas for the mind is full of reruns and follow the wishes of our hearts together, we build worlds of love. Are you Ready? I AM

Bring Your Tools

When we are stepping into the New it can feel scary because we don’t know how to feel about it yet. Everyone of your senses will open, checking this New energy out. And the first place we go is to Protection because we have encountered the unexpected. Breath your way through the Step, hold that protection and keep moving through each of your senses so they can test the waters while you aclimate to this new Way of Being. We have been blowing out candles and making our wishes for so long now. Now we are believing, because we trust, and we love who we are and who we are becoming feels amazing. Bring your tools as they are being upgraded as you Go. Feel the Fear and watch it turn into expanded life, as it’s force moves you through the fire and you emerge so confident. Each Sense is being expanded in ways we have not experienced. This is creating our expanded vision together. I share this message for any who wish to receive. With Love, Yvonne

Growing Strong in Spirit Connection

I used to think that everyone must know something I didn’t know…Therefore I would question what my intuition, my spirit connection would share with me. Today I remember. I belong in the Realm of My Innerstanding of Love and Trust that creates so many beautiful people, places and things to experience. I no longer need validation for any of the messages that I receive. I trust my heart to feel and let me know what feels connected to my frequency, my energy. This Scorpio season is Deep and helping me protect who I really am as the veils are lifted. Before I enter the New, the old is reviewed as I nod, say thank you and open the door to what is.

You have Been Doing it All Along

Breath in deep and let your mind wander back in your memories of past lives and watch the patterns of you shifting and changing and moving through all of the elements. You are the building block of the New for you have been collecting all of the important records from each movement until now when you bring them together to create something brand new. There are things we have never known … We have been doing this all of our lives … Preparing for this MOMENT. So Stop, take a moment to Breath in deep again and bring this knowingness deep into your physical body as you are imprinted with new life codes (elements) We are living the Never Ending Story. We have been doing this all of our lives. Let Go!