In this moment …

As I heal- you heal, we heal together, as we have shared our Glorious Moments and our Scary Bits.Then We met in our center and smiled as we viewed all of the possibilities for our next adventure.

Protect, Love, Feel, Believe~

And then there is the moment! The moment you Stop and start laughing! The moment you realize there are no levels to anything. How will you respond? Out of Love? For There is only Love.

It has been there all along, but our challenge was to find it in the chosen creation. We have our Left brain and our Right brain…bring it to the middle, yes bring them to acceptance and balance…relax and you will find yoursef in the most Holy of Holies, your pineal gland…Your Universal Connection to I AM that I AM. From this Burst of Light activation! You KNOW! Love, Me

Field of Possibilities

So who decided the ins and outs of God?  Why are there so many conflicting ideas of what and who God is?  Think about it!  There is a field and I will meet you there!  God is a field of all possibilities and we are playing in that field.  Let’s Play together and choose consciously our next creation!


Open your mind to the Idea that we are all here for each other…We are here to bring each other to our truth, to mirror or shine or however you need to be brought to that place of Moving Forward. It is up to you if you are choosing to release the stuff that tires you out with it’s old sluggish energy or if you still want to feel the old feelings and reruns. Thus it may be a joyful experience or not. The choice is always ours and in a shift of heartfelt thought the mind can relax and feel the oneness of it all. We are all working for the good of one another, how that shows up will be different for each of us. Authenticity is what the Vibration of love feels like on one plane. When we truly see who we are, we relax and can even laugh, for we were resisting ourselves all along. We are one choosing an experience and travelling all the dimentions of that experience, so when you notice people disappearing from your life or others joining and feeling like family, you have just chosen a new experience. You have the choice this time of bringing the information that you mastered, through with you, but this time knowing and using it intentionally. Look around you…who are you gravitating toward? What kind of Energy? Take the time and look around at all the other energies. So many to choose from and then make sure you have packed your bag with all your tools and have a great Adventure from this New space and time. This new energy stream…all of the players have shifted or left. I Release this message to you and for it to be a map for those who feel this frequency.

What Part of the Cypher are YOU?

When your mind is pointing the finger at others and complaining or judging … take a step away to your heart and feel what that is! You may just notice that your mind is stuck on a pattern that you are ready to leave behind. Say thank you to your mind for the crazy, weird, adventurous, peaceful, blissful, (However you experienced the)moment in question and break free of the loop, if you wish. When you take a step away it gives you space to observe the pattern and choose if you really want to continue on the loop ride or create a new experience. In this moment when you are fully in the space of observing…take a look around. Take all the time you need and feel your third eye open to show you all the possibilities. This is an internal experience and as you Choose, shift and live you open your physical eyes to a shifting, changing world. This is what we are here to do. What part of the Cypher are YOU?

The Patterns

Take a moment, relax into the moment to become the space and from this space let’s review our patterns. Sit with this until you can fully see how you rode the waves, climbed the mountains, planted the seed, nutured your soul, became enlightened and chose to once again jump into the story and feel it again. In comfort it is nice to reread the same stories, watch the same movies, live the same life, because our mind already knows what to expect and at least one way to react (depending on how many times you have chosen this story). The most Fun day of the year at School was when the traveling bookstore came to your school to present the Newest Books for the Year! You were excited! No one had experienced these stories Yet! Feel That Feeling! Sooooo Good! This will help you move to your Next Story and experience a whole New Nuance of Everything you thought you Knew! HA! Let Go! That’s All you have to do! Trust you will feel and know what to do and it will be different than you have ever experienced. Eternity is full of Adventure!

Below is a beautiful Sand Mandala created by some beautiful souls that traveled to Nevada City, California and I was priviledged to witness it’s creation and share time with the monks who created it. This is all done and then undone after a short period of time to show the impermanence of this life. It is amazing to watch and experience. Please Note the beautiful intricate work, color choices, patterns and story being told and then it is time to move on and create a new vision.

Autonomy and Support

Any portion of yourself that you have mastered gives you powers. For you can walk in the world amongst those that are still mastering this one experience and remain centered in support and compassion for your fellow travellers.  This does not make anyone better or more advanced than another. This is how we support one another as each of us brings our unique strengths and powers to the world as we continue walking and creating new experiences and adventures to master.  Our You-Niverse is expanding.

Looking for the Yellow Cars!

We can hold ourselves in a negative pattern by constantly telling our Brain that everything is shitty in our lives and our Brain will present us with every picture to prove we are right! Ha! So what if you ask yourself to Show you how things can get better?

Your Brain is made to give you what you ask for. Therefore your brain is going to start looking for things getting better. It is a confirmation of what you want to see. You have all the answers, Start asking the questions? Watch your life shift as the new images begin showing up in your reality. Surprise yourself through this simple exercise. What you think and Believe is Real, IS your reality! Break out of your own Prison and Choose to see the Yellow Cars.

You are Beckoning Yourself

Yes… it is You! Now that you know, You can let go. You are safe…see your true self handing you the olive branch.

No one outside of you can save you. This is the Illusion for it is You that will remove the bars one by one and dismantle this very tired, worn out world. It is time to build the New and You are Needed. The FREE YOU! Peace to ALL ❤

Art from FB

Here We Are

And then I knew…We began at the highest point and explored all the way through the different caverns of energy to the lowest point. We are now transitioning to Ascend once more. New Stories to be explored. Muah! Ground…Hold… Live it all! Let it Go! Choose Freedom! The Prison is inside and each of us have the key! When we are ready we know exactly what to do.