Autonomy and Support

Any portion of yourself that you have mastered gives you powers. For you can walk in the world amongst those that are still mastering this one experience and remain centered in support and compassion for your fellow travellers.  This does not make anyone better or more advanced than another. This is how we support one another as each of us brings our unique strengths and powers to the world as we continue walking and creating new experiences and adventures to master.  Our You-Niverse is expanding.

Looking for the Yellow Cars!

We can hold ourselves in a negative pattern by constantly telling our Brain that everything is shitty in our lives and our Brain will present us with every picture to prove we are right! Ha! So what if you ask yourself to Show you how things can get better?

Your Brain is made to give you what you ask for. Therefore your brain is going to start looking for things getting better. It is a confirmation of what you want to see. You have all the answers, Start asking the questions? Watch your life shift as the new images begin showing up in your reality. Surprise yourself through this simple exercise. What you think and Believe is Real, IS your reality! Break out of your own Prison and Choose to see the Yellow Cars.

You are Beckoning Yourself

Yes… it is You! Now that you know, You can let go. You are safe…see your true self handing you the olive branch.

No one outside of you can save you. This is the Illusion for it is You that will remove the bars one by one and dismantle this very tired, worn out world. It is time to build the New and You are Needed. The FREE YOU! Peace to ALL ❤

Art from FB

Here We Are

And then I knew…We began at the highest point and explored all the way through the different caverns of energy to the lowest point. We are now transitioning to Ascend once more. New Stories to be explored. Muah! Ground…Hold… Live it all! Let it Go! Choose Freedom! The Prison is inside and each of us have the key! When we are ready we know exactly what to do.

Your Breath

Right now, for any that are feeling Intense waves in their lives, please remember your Breath. What we are going through is a Letting Go, A Full Trust that everything is happening for You not against you. A total surrender to what you think is Real, realizing that it is just a presentation of your thoughts directed by your emotions in movie form. Now in this moment we must ground and our Breath can assist us. Breath in and move the breath of Intention through your entire body. It will shake free any stuck thoughts that have solidified and with your out breath push the energy out, fully releasing all of the stale air that was poisoning your mind. This is important Right now and at any time we are feeling intensity and wish to see the truth about it. The importance of your breath goes beyond this as it helps calm our Nervous system. This is important for our physical beings at this time as we are shifting to the higher energy grid. So Please, even if you are feeling confused, Breath, Breath, Breath! Help your body release the old energies, so the new energies can heal and sooth us. It is our resistance that is creating more Pain. This is an inner Journey. Are you Feeling It? Breathing will be your lifeline to the healing cave of your heart that will send love signals to your brain and life will circulate in a way we have never experienced before. Breath! Let Go! Let the Energy Flow! Breath! You are doing Great! You are participating in the Birthing of a whole new way of Being! Breath!

You Are Not Alone

We have been preparing for these energies that either can be gentle or break us down. Our Outer world is showing us this for we are coming up to a Ring of Fire event October 14th 2023. Right before a Woman gives Birth, After However much time of labour pains(notice not all are long and arduous, some are intense, but quickly move to the next, and anyway else that is experienced), she experiences a RING OF FIRE!

We are experiencing a Ring of Fire Solar eclipse in our outer world, For us to have mirrored back to us and interpret the messages. This event will Birth New (No matter what the choice). Through this process leading up to, through and for several Months after this event we will be Releasing the Placenta and Cutting the Cord so that are New Creation may Breath in The Newness not Tainted by Old Patterns. This is the Beginning of new Generations as We the Creators are No longer Holding the old Patterns in Place. The Flood Waters Come and the New World is born from this clean Pure Space.

2023 put us all through the steps of many different challenges to prepare us for this moment. Each has our own story to tell as we each have our own journey. Choose your experience for how you would like to feel it .(It is the senses and feelings that you are truly experiencing, the people, places, pets and things are the actors in your experience) Many of us have focused in on our breath through the challenges, others focussing in on Gratitude, Prayer, Meditation, whatever method is fine…this is not of importance. Rather to choose your method of learning. Follow your feelings & how you are guided. We all receive the messages, it is up to us to interprete how it feels through our being. This is an Exciting time as we Now Can Fully Release and Acknowlege That We Are Responsible for What lives, walks and breathes in our Youniverse. We are shifting from a World of Control to a World of Innovation. Thus We need to break down the Walls and Shift beyond into the Unknown.

It is Time! You Are Not Alone

Soul Snip-its

I give to you Soul Snip-its’, pieces of messages from my soul that have come through over the years.

I chose to place them without order as nothing in life happens in a straight line.  Life is like a painting. We begin with an idea and colours, but it can change its shape and message as creation flows. So I simply give you tid-bits on a page that show you different aspects of my painting of Life.

Plug into the NOW

It isn’t about losing memories of the past, we have an amazing storage capacity within…What this is requiring is to remain in the moment of the evolution, of each step through to the fulfillment of our creation and beyond.  We are learning to live completely in  the Moment, that amazing moment when you feel lost “in the moment” and experience everything differently, through the lens of a different dimension of life.  There is no need to spend energy on speculation right now…  Be in the present so your energy is plugged into the NOW…This is the MOMENT.  Our Energy and Light is required to Create the New.

Are You In?

At The End Of The Day

At the end of the day, when we review to see how we did. You know, when our mind goes over all the details that our mind held onto throughout our day. Right when we are wanting to fall asleep. Please Know that this process is not for you to judge yourself rather to learn from for your next day!  So receive the messages and say thank you … have a great night sleep so you are rejuvenated and truly LIVE. 

Choose how you wake up the next morning. How you love yourself before Going to sleep will affect how you heal and are rejuvenated.   If you are judging yourself or Loving yourself (loving yourself is learning from and in gratitude releasing tension from your physical being)for events that happened or didn’t happen or whatever, that is what you are programming into your brain.  This then puts out pulses of energy to be integrated and either relax  (for full healing) or bring anxiety(for poor sleep) This happens whether we are aware or not, leaving us with a choice as to how we treat ourselves when we review each day.  This is what you are telling your subconscious to review with you.  In Gratitude (the growth and learning happens, healing takes places and we feel fully rested)  In Judgement (Growth and learning happen also, however the resistance through Judgement of self, can bring a tension to the physical body as your nervous system is triggered by Mind Anxiety Reruns. This slows down the process so you may experience things more intensely).  Again  it is Choice and free will  that activate the method we chose for experiencing our world. May this Message Bring Peace to the “End of Your Day”.

Understand Yourself

Through the other we can come to understand ourselves. We are each in our own understanding as we are walking and sharing with one another for this moment in time. Sometimes we may understand one another but it is not a necessity. Nor is it necessary to explain ourselves as Love does not Judge. There is no judgement of self or other.  There is Surrender, Compassion, Love & Joy as we come together for an adventure when our energy calls.